AUDIO: National Marine Fisheries Informational Meeting with AEB – Dec. 21, 2016

Posted on: December 27th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News, KSDP Programs

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On December 21st, the 4th annual National Marine Fisheries Meeting with the Aleutians East Borough was held and broadcasted on KSDP 830 AM. From Sand Point, I’m Marissa Williams with the scoop.
Brent Priestess with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA, hosted the meeting and spoke with several people highlighting what to expect and things to remember about the upcoming season.
He started off with a few key things to keep in mind this season. Now all trips are required to be logged and if you deliver to a tender and come back into town for any reason, your trip has ended and you must log a new one. Also, number each logged trip and include the trip number on the fish ticket. Be careful about marking your fish tickets with the correct stat areas. Stat areas are where the fish were harvested. Check your vms units, there is troubleshooting help available if it’s not working correctly.
Krista Malanie added that it’s important to check out the new regulations in long line pot gear for 2017. Also she stated that 2016 trips can’t be carried over to 2017 so keep that in mind, stay organized, and take care of your 2016 trips before the new year starts.
Nat Nickles from ADS&G stated that the GHLS are 20.4 million pounds of pot gear and 3.6 million of jig.
Glen Campbell from the Observer Program in Seattle mentioned that it’ll be important to correctly declare your gear type and if you’ll be delivering to a tender or not. He also said that they are working on getting an observer stationed in King Cove and reiterated the importance of logging every trip.
Chris Relling, also from the observer program, relayed the deployment rates which are split into twice the categories as each category has a tender and non-tender delivery option. The deployment rates for the hook and line are 11% and 25% for hook and line delivering to a tender. For pot delivering to a tender or not is 4%. For trawl its 18% and for trawl delivering to a tender its 14%.
In closing…
-Things to Remember-
Log EVERY trip and number them on the log as well as the fish ticket.
When you deliver to a tender and come back into town, that trip has ended and you must log a new one.
Correctly declare your gear type and if you will be delivering to a tender or not.
Make sure your vms units are in working condition.
From Sand Point, I’m Marissa Williams.