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PDF: Sand Point School’s Friday Flyer for 2-9-2018

Posted on: February 9th, 2018 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: AEB School District, Community Window

Download Sand Point School’s Friday Flyer for February 9th, 2018 (PDF, 1MB).

Thank you for all the help at the games this weekend! THANK YOU!
– Billy D and Tabitha our amazing referees during the games this weekend. Glen Gardner for keeping the books at all the games. Logan for the clock and scoreboard keeping. Billy’s girlfriend for stepping in and helping out with the scoring. Karen Walls for keeping the gate and taking amazing pictures.
– Ms. Vaughn for scoreboard keeping. Gloria, Mason and Keomi for stepping in and helping with collecting gate fees.
– Nate Julian for setting up a microphone at the last minute and filming the games for the VTC. Austin, Melrose, Johnny for broadcasting the games on KSDP.
– Bob for moving teams and keeping things going. Grace for making the yummy food.
– A SPECIAL thanks to Armond at TRIDENT SEAFOODS for donating dinner to the teams that were stuck an extra night! That was so nice and we really appreciate this kindness.
Amy Eubank, AEBSD Athletic Director
Question: Which is better, McDonalds or Taco Bell?

Hilary Seifert: McDonald’s is the supreme fast food restaurant. It is my all time favorite place to eat. McDoubles rock!

Loubeth Vaughn:Taco Bell

Amy Eubank: TACO BELL I love me some tacos :)

Karen Walls:Taco Bell

Hannah Bailey:Definitely MacDons AKA Mickey D’s

Ellen Clark: I love tacos, but I do not love Taco Bell. Also, McDonalds has happy meal toys. McDonalds wins.

Candice Robb:Chicken nuggets are EVERYTHING to me-I do NOT care what’s in them! Sweet’n’sour sauce for LIFE!! Chicken MCNuggets LOL!

Amanda Mixon: Taco Bell… LOVE TACOS