November 13, 2007 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: April 8th, 2009 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

KSDP Broadcast Center, Sand Point City Hall
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
7:00 P.M.


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. by Chair Jim Brown.

Roll Call
Present: James Brown, Robbe Gilmour, Christopher Holmberg and General Manager Kells Hetherington
Absent: Kelly Bjornstad and Joanna Karlsen (both absences were excused.)
Visitors: None

Approval of Agenda
Robbe moves to approve the agenda, Jim seconds. Agenda approved by unanimous consensus.

Approval of Minutes
Tabled until the next meeting.

General Managers Report
Kells Hetherington reported that station was operating well. He referenced the fact that there had been a technical visit which had corrected the problem with the NPR feed at the top of the hour and improved the music rotation. He also reported that the contract with Alaska Wireless Communications, LLC had been signed and said cell phone service could be expected in early 2008. Weather will dictate when AWC can install its equipment on the tower. Hetherington spoke briefly about the AK Public Broadcasting Commissions draft state grant reallocation proposal and described it as being overwhelmingly favorable to the station if adopted in its present form. Hetherington also informed the Board that the stations Denali Commission wind turbine grant request had been submitted.

Financial Report
Hetherington reported that the station has fifty thousand dollars in its checking account and said the station would soon be receiving seventy five thousand from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting.

New Business
a.) King Cove Repeater Station: Hetherington explained Dillingham’s interest in regaining control of the repeater station in King Cove at 88.1 on the FM dial because of the Commissions $2,500.00 annual bonus per repeater station. The Board expressed its feeling that KSDP need to do whatever it could to continue having its signal on in King Cove. Hetherington agreed and asking Jim to contact Mayor Ernie Weise about the situation. Jim agreed and asked Hetherington to call Wise first to explain the situation. Hetherington agreed. The Board agreed to keep a watchful eye on the situation.
b.) Online Services: Hetherington discussed the deal KSDP has been offered by Public Radio Interactive to both stream it’s over the air signal and host its website through the organization. Hetherington requested twenty five hundred for the combined service. Gilmour pointed out that such has already been authorized. Hetherington clarified his request stating that he was requesting to use money allocated to online services in a slightly different way. The Board approved the expenditure.
c.) Denali Commission: Hetherington explained that the stations wind turbine grant proposal to the Denali Commission had been submitted. He explained that the station is requesting one hundred thousand dollars in support to assist with the purchase and installation of a wind turbine. Discussion then followed about where the turbine would be located and about how much power would be produced.
d.) Raffle: Hetherington introduced an amendment to the corporate by-laws and Board of Directors accepted it. He stated that the Board would need to wait until the following meeting to take action on the amendment. The proposed amendment is included in the minutes. The reason for amending the by-laws is to make the radio station conform to the requirements of the Alaska Gaming Department in order for it to apply for a license. The station wishes to raffle off four PenAir tickets that were give to the station by the airline in early summer 2007.
e.) Repairs: Hetherington described the need to heat his office and cool the on-air studio. He recommended a project to connect the two rooms with a ventilation system at a cost of not more than two thousand dollars. The Board agreed.

Old Business

Next Meeting
Nest meeting scheduled for January 3rd, 7:00 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Meetings submitted by Kells Hetherington.

*These minutes were re-typed by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.