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2021 S. AK Pen. Cod Pre-Season Teleconference – March 3rd, 1pm

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fish News - newsletter

From “Fish News” via AEB:

Alaska Department of Fish & Game
South Peninsula Pacific Cod State-waters Fishery Preseason Meeting

Download the audio from this teleconference (MP3, 2.4MB).

The Alaska Department of Fish & Game will hold a preseason meeting for the South Peninsula Pacific cod State-waters Fishery at 1pm Wednesday March 3, 2021. ADFG Fishery Managers Nat Nichols & Cassandra Whiteside will discuss fishery reporting requirements, number of registered vessels, weather forecast, season length predictions, etc. and will be available to answer questions.

The teleconference number for the March 3rd 1PM preseason meeting is:
access code:

From the ADFG February 1, 2021 Advisory Announcement for Emergency Order 4-GF-
“The South Alaska Peninsula Area state-waters Pacific cod pot gear season will open at
12:00 noon March 7, 2021, unless delayed by weather. If the National Weather Service
marine forecast for Area PKZ155 issued at 4:00 a.m. on March 7, 2020 contains a gale
warning, the season opening will be delayed 24 hours. Weather delays may continue on a
rolling 24-hour basis for seven days, after which the season will open regardless of the
weather forecast. The 2021 South Alaska Peninsula Area state-waters Pacific cod
guideline harvest level (GHL) is 5.28 million pounds. Pot vessels are allocated 85% of
the GHL or 4.49 million pounds.

Vessels participating in the South Alaska Peninsula Area state-waters Pacific cod fishery
may not exceed 58 feet in overall length. Vessel operators must obtain a miscellaneous
finfish pot gear interim-use permit card from the Commercial Fisheries Entry
Commission and an exclusive state-waters vessel registration from the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) prior to participating in the state-waters fishery.
Pot vessels may not operate more than 60 groundfish pots and buoy tags are required for
all pot gear.