MP3: Sand Point Eagles (75) VS King Cove T-Jacks (94) on Friday, March 1st, 2019

Posted on: March 1st, 2019 | Author: Holden | Filed under: Community Window

In the latest game of the season, the King Cove T-Jacks Take the final home game for the Eagles.

Despite playing with a man advantage for the entire fourth quarter, the Eagles couldn’t quite crack the T-Jacks in their final game of the season on home turf. The T-Jacks kept a close but comfortable lead for the entire game, a good showing with the regional competition right around the corner.

Final Score: Sand Point Eagles (75) vs the King Cove T-Jacks (94) for the last home game in Sand Point, Alaska.

Download the game here (MP3, 11MB):

Commentary provided by KSDP’s own Austin Roof. Thanks Austin!