AEB Fishermen’s Winter Fisheries Meeting on 12/29/2021 at 10am

Posted on: December 15th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Audio is available for download here (10MB, 45min):

AEB Fishermen’s Winter Fisheries Meeting on Wednesday December 29, 2021 10AM via Zoom/virtual meeting

Meeting scheduled to be broadcast live on local radio KSDP and at

Agencies Representatives expected to be available at this teleconference meeting:

• U. S. Coast Guard, Kodiak.
• Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Kodiak.
• NMFS Alaska Region, Juneau.
• Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle.
• North Pacific Observer Program & A.I.S. observer providers.
• Trawl EM EFP coordinators.
• NMFS Office of Law Enforcement
• International Pacific Halibut Commission

Aleutians East Borough’s Natural Resources Department will host the meeting from the Anchorage office conference room 3380 C Street – fishermen welcome.

For more information please contact Aleutians East Borough:
Natural Resources Director Ernie Weiss 907-274-7557 or
Natural Resources Assistant Director Charlotte Levy 907-274-7566