July 10, 2009 Meet the People with Ik Icard

Posted on: July 7th, 2009 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Meet the People

Listen to Kodiak Kenai Cable Company spokesman Ik Icard on Meet the People.

Download the interview (29MB MP3)

Stream It: [audio:http://www.apradio.org/mtp/MTPIkIcardKodiakKenaiCableCompanyJuly102009.MP3]

The Kodiak Kenai Cable Company is applying for National Telecommunications and Information Administration Broadband Grants and Rural Utility Service Grants and Loans authorized under the American Resource and Recovery Act.  The company’s proposed Northern Fiber Link offers a satellite alternative to telephone and internet service providers operating in western Alaskan, Bush communities.

Meet the People is heard weekdays @ 11:30AM on 830 AM KSDP.  The program streams online at www.apradio.org.