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“An Alaskan Moment” for April 5th, 2021

Posted on: April 2nd, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: An Alaskan Moment, Community Window

Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of April 5th, 2021.

A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.

“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.

Sometimes twice as much.

From Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting in Sand Point.

This week in Alaska History:

April 5, 1824 – The United States and Russia signed a convention opening the North Pacific to fishing and trade.

April 6, 1933 – The sale of beer became legal in Alaska with the repeal of the Bone Dry law.

April 7, 1867 – Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts delivered a speech in the Senate strongly supporting the purchase of Alaska.

April 8, 1944 – The Alaska Juneau gold mine, Alaska’s largest, closed down at midnight.

April 9, 1915 – President Woodrow Wilson officially announced the route of the Alaska Railroad between Seward and Fairbanks.

April 10, 1885 – Dr. Sheldon Jackson was appointed General Agent of Education for Alaska, a position in the U.S. Bureau of Education.

April 11, 1975 – Alaska Airlines hired Joann Osterud, its first female pilot.

This week in Alaska History compiled by Robert N. DeArmond of Sitka
Courtesy of the Alaska Historical Society


Now for your poem.

Today’s poem is found in the book “Hunger & Dreams: The Alaskan Women’s Anthology”, edited by Patricia Monaghan. Published by Fireweed Press in Fairbanks, 1983.


Paul Holmberg for the music.
– Austin Roof’s Media Class from the Sand Point School.