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“An Alaskan Moment” for February 22nd, 2021

Posted on: February 19th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: An Alaskan Moment, Community Window

Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of February 22nd, 2021.

A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.

“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.

Sometimes twice as much.

Every Monday morning.

From Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting in Sand Point.

This week in Alaska History:

February 22, 1850 – Josiah Martin Turner was born in Michigan. He became in turn mayor of
Skagway, a member of the Territorial Senate, and U.S. Marshal for the First Judicial Division.

February 23, 1985 – The Fairbanks News-Miner ceased being Alaska’s widest newspaper when it adopted the standard newspaper format, rather than its distinctive 17 inch width.

February 24, 1879 – Charles August Sulzer was born in Roselle, New Jersey. He became a member of the Alaska Territorial Senate, then Delegate in Congress from Alaska.

February 25, 1997 – The U.S. Supreme Court, hearing a case originating with the Natives of Venetie, ruled that lands conveyed by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act does not constitute federally recognized “Indian country.”.

February 26, 1917 – Mount McKinley National Park was established. It is now incorporated into the Denali National Park and Preserve.

February 27, 1923 – The 1,400-foot Tanana River steel bridge on the Alaska Railroad at Nenana was completed.

February 28, 1967 – Climbers completed the first winter ascent of Mount McKinley.
This week in Alaska History compiled by Robert N. DeArmond of Sitka
Courtesy of the Alaska Historical Society


Now for your poem.

Today’s poem is found in the book “Hunger & Dreams: The Alaskan Women’s Anthology”, edited by Patricia Monaghan. Published by Fireweed Press in Fairbanks, 1983.

“The Hands of Mary Joe”
by Mary TallMountain

Paul Holmberg for the music.
– Mr. Roof’s students from the Sand Point School.
– V. Porter of