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August 21, 2012 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Luke Meinert called the meeting to order at 5:38pm on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at the Sand Point KSDP Radio Station.

  1. Roll call

Shalene called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Luke Meinert – President; Jim Brown – Vice President; Dan Williams – Director; Marta Varga – Director


The following persons were excused: Jack Foster — Director


KSDP staff present: Austin Roof – General Manager; Shalene Chebetnoy-J – Administrative Assistant; David Dillard – DJ.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Luke moves to add under Executive Session b.) Hourly employee salary. Jim seconded. All in favor. Motion passes.


  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Jim made motion to approve minutes from last meeting. Marta seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.


  1. Reports

a.)    General Managers Report:

Austin talked about the highlights of what is going on with the station right now. Finances—7% decrease in funding from the CPB due to budget cuts but this will not affect the radio station.

Generators—they are up and running. Clint Stark will be back this way sometime in the near future to update them.

Luke asked who was doing the audit. Austin explained that the people doing it have done it before. Luke suggested  for future reference that maybe we could bring in an outside accounting firm

Austin gave update about Nolan Brothers trip to King Cove to redo the tower.

The membership drive will be in September with Board Elections to follow.

b.)    Administrative Report:

Shalene gave an oral update about the work that she has been performing at the station. She has been closely working with Austin to prepare everything needed for the audit. Also all other office duties as assigned. Shalene asked is maybe KSDP should broadcast live at the Salmon Derby. She will get in touch with Tina.


c.)    Programming Report:

Dave gave an oral report about programming. He talked about his live show and how the public is giving positive feedback. He has KSDP Facebook page open when he is on air. He is also downloading music daily.


  1. Old Business

a.)    Strategic Planning Update:

Talked a bit about membership. The membership luncheon in May brought in a few members. In the future, Austin commented on maybe doing a gala event. More talk about strategic planning at next meeting.



  1. New Business

No new business.


  1. Public Comment & Discussion

Shalene brought up possible OJT. Austin said he would talk to the principal in a couple days.

  1. Executive Session

Jim made motion to approve salary of $55,105 for General Manager who is required to to a 3 credit course in business management or communications broadcasting. Jim seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. Jim made motion to give all hourly employees a $1 raise. Marta seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.


  1. Next Meeting

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 5:30PM at Station Office.

  1. Adjournment

Jim made motion to adjourn meeting. Dan seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:19PM.

Minutes submitted by: Shalene Chebetnoy-J, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by: Austin Roof, General Manager

Title: General Manager  Signature:_______________________________Date:__________

                                                                  Austin Roof