ADF&G: Bristol Bay proposal to be considered at Area M Board of Fish

Posted on: January 31st, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News


This is a SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE adding to the NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGES that was issued on November 2, 2012, hereby incorporated by reference, concerning proposed regulation changes in Title 5 of the Alaska Administrative Code. This SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE is being issued to notify the public of the following topic being added to the Board of Fisheries (board) schedule to be considered at the meeting noted:

The following additional topic will be addressed at the board’s Alaska Peninsula/Aleutian Islands Finfish meeting scheduled for February 26 – March 4, 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel, 401 East 6th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska:

IN THE BRISTOL BAY AREA: Consider a board-generated proposal to establish provisions, for the Ugashik and Egegik districts, to allow a person who holds two Bristol Bay CFEC set gillnet permits to “stack” those permits and operate extra gillnet gear within certain gear specifications, including length of gear and gear marking requirements (5 AAC 06.331).

All other provisions posted in the November 2, 2012 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGES remain the same, including the public comment periods and tentative meeting schedule.

For a copy of the proposed regulation changes, or for a copy of the November 2, 2012 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGES, contact the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, phone 907-465-4110, or access the Internet at:

Statutory Authority: AS 16.05 – AS 16.20; AS 16.40

Statutes being implemented, interpreted, or made specific: AS 16.05

Fiscal Information: The proposed regulatory actions are not expected to require an increased appropriation.

Date: January 23, 2013 _______________________________________

Monica Wellard, Executive Director, Alaska Board of Fisheries


(AS 44.62.190(d))

1. Adopting Agency: Alaska Board of Fisheries

2. General subject of regulation: Set gillnet specifications and operations in the Bristol Bay Area.

3. Citation of regulations: 5 AAC 06.331

4. Reason for proposed action: To consider allowing a person who holds two Bristol Bay CFEC set gillnet permits to “stack” those permits and operate extra gillnet gear in the Ugashik and Egegik Districts.

5. Appropriation/Allocation: Natural Resources and all RDUs.

6. Cost of implementation to the state agency and available funding: These actions are not expected to require any additional costs.

7. The name of the contact person for the regulations:
Monica Wellard, Executive Director
Alaska Board of Fisheries
PO Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526
(907) 465-4110

8. The origin of the proposed action: Board of Fisheries (board-generated proposal)

9. Date: January 23, 2013 Prepared by: ___________________

Monica Wellard, Executive Director, Alaska Board of Fisheries (907) 465-4110

PROPOSAL 250 – 5 AAC 06.331. Gillnet specifications and operations. For the Ugashik and Egegik districts, establish provisions to allow a person who holds two Bristol Bay CFEC set gillnet permits to “stack” those permits and operate extra gillnet gear within certain gear specifications, including length of gear and gear marking requirements, as follows:

5 AAC 06.331 is amended by adding a new subsection to read:

(v) In the Ugashik and Egegik Districts, a CFEC permit holder who holds two Bristol Bay set gillnet permits may not operate more than four set gillnets, and the aggregate length of set gillnets operated by the CFEC permit holder may not exceed 100 fathoms. A single set gillnet may not exceed 50 fathoms in length. The buoys must be marked as specified in 5 AAC 06.334 and 5 AAC 39.280 with both of the CFEC permit holder’s five digit permit numbers followed by the letter “D”. In addition, at least one cork every 10 fathoms along the cork line must be plainly and legibly marked with both CFEC permit numbers. All identifiers must be displayed in a manner that is plainly visible, unobscured, and in a color that contrasts with the background.

ISSUE: Whether to allow set gillnet permit stacking in selected districts of Bristol Bay.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF NOTHING IS DONE? Set gillnet permit stacking will not be allowed in Bristol Bay. This may allow new participants to enter the fishery as multiple permit holders divest. However, it may also increase difficulty for families to retain possession of permits as family members leave and re-enter the fishery in response to changing circumstances.


WHO IS LIKELY TO BENEFIT? Set gillnet fishermen who are able to own and fish two permits.


OTHER SOLUTIONS CONSIDERED? The board considered repealing the sunset clause for this regulation at the December 2012 meeting in Naknek and subsequently voted to allow the regulation to sunset.

PROPOSED BY: Alaska Board of Fisheries.