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December 11, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Jim Brown called the meeting to order on Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 2:13 p.m.  The Board meeting took place at the station at the Sand Point City Building.

  1. Roll call

Shannon Sommer called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Jim Brown – President; Marta Varga – Vice-President; Laura Clark – Secretary / Treasurer; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board Member


Board members excused: Mary Olsen – Board Member


KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Austin Roof – Music Director; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant


  1. Approval of Agenda

Jack Foster made a motion to approve the agenda.  Marta Varga seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Jim Brown made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Marta seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


  1. General Manager’s Report



  1. Old Business
    1. The Employee Savings Plan was discussed.  Jim Brown made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Marta seconded the motion.  The motion passed.
    2. The Budget was approved for FY 11.  Jack Foster made a motion to approve the agenda.  Marta Varga seconded the motion.  The motion passed.



  1. New business
    1. The Board of Director’s appointed Laura Clark to finish out Austin Roof’s position on the Board of Director’s for KSDP.  Jim Brown made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Marta seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


  1. Public Comments and Discussion


  1. Adjournment

The Board will next meet on February 16, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.   Laura adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m.



Minutes submitted by: Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by: Kells Hetherington, General Manager

November 10, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Jim Brown called the meeting to order on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 7:15 p.m.  The Board meeting took place at the station at the Sand Point City Building.

  1. Roll call

Jim called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Jim Brown – President; Marta Varga – Vice-President; Austin Roof – Secretary / Treasurer; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board Member


Board members excused: Mary Olsen – Board Member


KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant


  1. Approval of Agenda

Jim made a motion to approve the agenda.  Marta Varga seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Jim made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Marta seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


  1. General Manager’s Report

The Office of Homeland Security informed the station it will receive through the City of Sand Point a reimbursable grant of seventy four thousand dollars for installing two backup generators.  The backup generator project is ours, but the money will flow through the city.  The City of Sand Point will be handling cutting the checks for the equipment that we purchase; we will then reimburse the City.


The current cash position of the radio station is better than in the same period a year ago.  The station finances will also improve with the receipt of Community Service Grant I for seventy five thousand dollars from the federal government via the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


Kells Hetherington asked the Board members for their approval of a proposed 401(k) program for station employees.  The station would administer the program through Automatic Data Processing.  ADP would also do the necessary reporting and ensure our savings plan is always fully ERISA compliant.


The radio station will receive an additional five thousand dollars from an old grant with which the station had become non compliant.  The grant award and reporting was predated Kells’ time at the station.  The money was described as being for internet service acquisition and the five thousand dollars will need to be spent along those lines; and likely on the website itself.


The station is waiting for a reply on its Round Six Capital Grant award.  The applied for amount was less than the sixty thousand dollar maximum.  The funding request includes adding an RPU and the purchase and installation of a climate control ventilation system.


Kells is also thinking of filing a PTFP grant to raise the tower.  Don Rinker, a former Alaska Public Broadcasting executive director is willing to help the station write the federal grant.


  1. Old Business
    1. Under the budget, a savings plan was discussed.  Jim would like to discuss the 401(k) plan at a later date and Marta asked Kells to find out about matching radio station saving plans.  All Board members agreed to wait on the savings plan and to look for other plans / rates.
    2. Kells expressed to the Board he would like to redesign the website.  Austin Roof asked how this would fit in the budget.  Kells responded by reminding the Board of the five thousand dollar grant award.  Austin said he has friends in the website field possibly interested in the project.   The board members liked the idea.  Kells also added that Virgil Porter was interested.


  1. New business

No new business was discussed.

  1. Public Comments and Discussion

The Board members all agreed they would like to have the meeting packets earlier.  They said it was alright for Kells to post the Music Director position.  Marta would like more music every Saturday.


  1. Adjournment

The Board will next meet on December 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.   Jim adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.



Minutes submitted by: Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by: Kells Hetherington, General Manager

September 9, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Jim Brown called the meeting to order on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7:20 p.m.  The Board meeting took place at the station at the Sand Point City Building.

  1. Roll call

Jim called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Jim Brown – President; Marta Varga – Vice-President; Austin Roof – Secretary / Treasurer; Mary Olsen – Board member


Board members excused: Jack Foster, Jr. – Board member


KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Katherine Ford – Music Director; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant


General public present: Gavin Carlson

  1. Approval of Agenda

Austin Roof made a motion to approve the agenda.  Mary Olsen seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Marta Varga made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Jim seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


  1. General Manager’s Report

Kells Hetherington reported the Corporation for Public Broadcasting approved the station’s rural bonus grant; the amount of the award is twenty five thousand dollars.


The station received a check from Alaska Public Broadcasting, the Alaska Capital Grant Round Five Program in the amount of twenty thousand dollars for certain capital improvements.


Ben Bryce, the station’s Merrill Lynch account representative answered questions asked by the Board.  The Board was agreeable to stay with Merrill Lynch as the station’s bank.


Kells has been in contact with Chuck Lakaytis, Gray Hartig, Nolan Brothers and Frigid North Company about working on the King Cove FM translator and the Sand Point AM ground system.  Chuck Lakaytis is working with Gray Hartig on the new location for the FM translator license in King Cove.  Kells and Frigid North have been working on an equipment list needed for both projects.  He also spoke with Nolan Brothers about traveling to King Cove and Sand Point to assist Chuck with both projects.  The first project to be completed will be in ground system in Sand Point, then the FM translator in King Cove.  All are working on equipment shipped from Seattle on Coastal Transportation.  All expenses will be paid for by the State Capital grant.


Kells is currently working one Round Six Alaska Capital Grant Program for renovations to the studio which include:  a ventilation system, new studio window, new exterior windows, new carpeting for the radio station’s office, and to install a RPU system.  Kells is also preparing a grant application to the Federal Telecommunications Facilities Program which is due early 2011.  The grant is for requesting funding to improve the tower access road and to raise the height of the radio station tower.


In early November, Catharine Persinger with Foraker Group will be her to work with Shannon Sommer and me with QuickBooks and financial training.


Kells has been working with Austin Roof about a wireless hotspot on the radio stations tower.  He asked the Board for their permission.  It would be separate from the radio station and would provide high speed internet access through HughesNet systems.


New tower light was ordered.  The radio station will bring Nolan Brothers to Sand Point to replace the top beacon and a sidelight.


The Internal Revenue Service contacted the station about a debt from a late filing of a 941 in early 2006.  The Government identified the station owing the amount of five thousand dollars after the radio station started receiving payments from NOAA through Central Contractor Registry.  The station is in the process of responding to the IRS through the Taxpayer Advocate Service.  The IRS also waived a seven thousand dollars made through Taxpayer Advocate Service.


  1. Old Business

a)      King Cove translator and Sand Point ground system project budget & timeline were reviewed.

b)      The radio station is staying with Merrill Lynch as our bank provider.


  1. New business

a)      Update of Grant applications in progress.

b)      Foraker Group financial training will begin November seventh through November eleventh.

c)      A proposed tower lease agreement.

  1. Public Comments and Discussion

Ben Bryce was on the phone with a few of the Board members, he answered the questions the Board had.  Ben answered all questions and the Board was pleased.


Jim asked if there was something in the by-laws about a Board member absent so many times to Board Meetings.  Jim also will ask Jack Foster Jr. if he is still interested in being on the Board.  Kells informed the Board, both Justin Godbehere and Louise Zeile are interested being on the Board.


The Board agreed to have Kells work with Glen Gardner, the City Mayor to apply for a grant to help with the city building’s water damage problem.


Jim suggested the station call Western Marine, here in town for gravel to help cover the tower access road.


The Board agreed, Kells write to Don Young’s office about the tax issue.


  1. Public Comments and Discussion

The Budget will be discussed at the next meeting.


  1. Adjournment

The Board will next meet on October 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.   Mary adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.




Minutes submitted by:  Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by:  Kells Hetherington, General Manager

August 10, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Marta Varga called the meeting to order on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 7:10 p.m.  The Board meeting took place at the station at the Sand Point City Building.

  1. Roll call

Marta called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Jim Brown – President; Austin Roof – Secretary / Treasurer; Mary Olsen – Board member


Board members excused: Marta Varga – Vice President; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board member


KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant


General public present: Louise Zeile

  1. Approval of Agenda

Jim made a motion to approve the agenda.  Mary seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting.

  1. General Manager’s Report

Kells reported that the station has installed a new internet service with the help of the Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission’s Discretionary Fund.  Will Johnson flew from Fairbanks in mid July to do the installation.  The new internet service is ten to twelve times faster than the more expensive internet service with TelAlaska currently used by the station.


The station was awarded a thirty five hundred dollar Management Assistance grant by the Rasmuson Foundation in Anchorage.  This is a reimbursable grant for the station to bring a woman from the Foraker Group to Sand Point to work on QuickBooks with Shannon and Kells.  The Board is welcome to participate in the financial training.


Engineers Chuck Lakaytis and Gray Hartig and Dillingham General Manager Rob Carpenter are finally moving forward with the King Cove FM radio translator license transfer.   Gray and Chuck are filing the paperwork through Larry Miller, an FCC attorney in Washington, D.C., to register the new location of the radio translator with the FCC.  The Dillingham School Board will officially approve the license transfer at its August meeting.  When KSDP has the approval, it will move forward on the engineering visit needed to make the translator upgrade a reality.


The tower light situation will be rectified when Justin Godbehere installs the part that needs to be replaced at the transmitter site.  This should start the top light flashing again.


The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is about to rule on our rural bonus grant application check here.  CPB is moving very slowly on this.


Kells reported a major grant opportunity with the Alaska Public Broadcasting Capital Grant – Round Six – Program.  Last year, the program provided KSDP funding for a comprehensive studio renovation.  The station is in the final stages of its grant reporting for the project.  When complete, the station will receive about eight thousand dollars more from the grant award.


  1. Old Business

There was no Old Business


  1. New business

a)      Mary Olsen and Austin Roof were sworn in as KSDP Board members.

b)      Kells updated the Board on the Merrill Lynch account.

c)      The Board looked at the ventilation system proposal.  They want more information on the subject.  They also recommended that the project be made part of a grant application.

d)     The Board wants more budget details for the King Cove translator upgrade and for the replacement of the ground system in Sand Point.

  1. Public Comments and Discussion

During Kells’ General Manager Report, Jim Brown asked how much longer until the translator in King Cove is transferred to KSDP.  Kells responded saying that we should have it by October, and said Dillingham is making it a very lengthy process.


Mary wants monthly statements of the station’s bank accounts and asked if the station had thought of moving its account to an Alaska bank.  Kells responded saying, Shannon and he would research local banks.  Jim Brown would also like board meeting packets sent to each member a few days before the meeting.  Austin Roof asked about funding a scholarship program.  The scholarship would be for a college or vocational school bound student.


The Board would also like to see more local programming, such as: live and recorded programs, Silver Salmon Derby coverage, Culture Camp reports, and more field reporting.




  1. Adjournment

The Board will next meet on September 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.   Jim adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.




Minutes submitted by:  Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by:  Kells Hetherington, General Manager

May 27, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Marta Varga called the meeting to order on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 5:15 p.m.  The Board meeting took place at the station at the Sand Point City Building.

  1. Roll call

Marta called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Marta Varga – Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer; Jim Brown – Board Member; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board Member


Board members excused: Robbe Gilmour – Chairman; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board Member; Joanna Karlsen – Board Member


KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant

  1. Approval of Agenda

Jim made a motion to approve the agenda.  Jack seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting.

  1. General Manager’s Report

Kells reported on the installation of the new studio furniture, as well as other improvements taking place as part of the major renovation.  He mentioned a few minor completions.  The new mic booms require side mounts in order to slide down (the part has been ordered).  The lower step in the on-air studio must be removed and the new radio console in the production studio must be hooked up to the telephone hybrid for interviews.


The transmitter site has been cleared of wood, rusted cables and assorted debris that were scattered around.


KSDP has started to receive payments from NOAA for its tower lease.


The tower light has not been working properly due to a piece of blown electrical equipment located in the tower shack.  The part has been ordered.


The station has been awarded $50,000.00 in the state capital budget.  The grant will be used to replace the ground system at the transmitter site, as well as to renovate the FM radio translator in King Cove.


During the last Board meeting, a transfer agreement prepared by FCC attorney Larry Miller was signed.  The agreement was sent to Dillingham.  Dillingham wants a four thousand dollar payment for the transfer.


Virgil is leaving for salmon fishing then moving to California.  Katherine Ford (KK) will be replacing Virgil.


There are four candidates running for three seats on the Board.

  1. Old Business

a)      Marta made a motion to approve payment for the transfer of King Cove radio license.  Jim seconded the motion and the motion passed.

b)      To date, the production room window has not been fixed.

c)      The tower light problem has been identified.  A new piece of equipment has been ordered.

  1. New business

a)      Jim made a motion to approve the Board election, and the election ballots.  Marta seconded the motion and the motion passed.

b)      Kells reported to the Board the state capital grant award success.

c)      Board members toured the new production and on-air studios.

d)     Two Board members signed checks.

  1. Public Comments and Discussion
  2. Adjournment

The Board will next meet on June 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.   Jim adjourned the meeting at 6:12 p.m.




Minutes submitted by:  Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by:  Kells Hetherington, General Manager

January 15, 2007 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


July 15, 2009 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


December 4, 2007 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


October 6, 2009 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


September 16, 2009 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


September 9, 2010 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 4th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


May 27, 2010 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: August 18th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


August 10, 2010 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: August 18th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


January 14, 2010 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: August 18th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes


December 9, 2009 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: July 9th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes
