Interview with Commissioner Hladic on current fiscal crises

Posted on: April 1st, 2016 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Interview with Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Commissioner Chris Hladic from the office of Governor Walker over the current fiscal crises plaguing the state of Alaska

Interview with Bigwave Dave

Download Commissioner Hladic’s interview: from April 01, 2016 (mp3, 4.45MB, 20 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Alaskans Sound Off on Newly Approved Genetically Edited Salmon

Posted on: December 21st, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, AEB School District, Community Window, Fisheries News

An "AquAdvantage Salmon", the first FDA-approved genetically modified animal for human consumption in the U.S.A.

An “AquAdvantage Salmon”, the first FDA-approved genetically modified animal for human consumption in the U.S.A. Photo:

Download “Alaskans Sound Off on Newly Approved Genetically Edited Salmon” By Jillian B., Chloe G., and Evan W., Seniors at Sand Point School (mp3, 2.5MB, 2.5minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Jillian: Recently the FDA has approved the first genetically modified fish for human consumption in the U.S. We asked Alaskans for their thoughts on the AquAdvantage salmon.

Jillian: Benjamin Mobeck, a Sand Point village elder responds to the question “Would you eat AquAdvantage Salmon?” (audio) _______________________

Chloe: I interviewed Glen Gardner, the mayor of Sand Point. He said he thinks that AquAdvantage will affect Alaska fisheries because people are looking for Alaskan salmon. He also insists that Alaska has to get on the bandwagon to promote Alaska wild salmon.

Jillian: Dick Jacobsen, Chairman of the Aleut Corporation and Captain of F/V Miss Ingrid, says…..(audio) _______________________

Chloe: I also interviewed my gram, Ivy Gardner, who I think is the smartest person I know. She said that she thinks genetically modified salmon is a bunch of bull, that we don’t need altered salmon when we have wild salmon.

Jillian: For a teenager’s perspective, we spoke to Colten Mack, a junior at Sand Point school who commercial fishes. When asked if he would eat AquAdvantage Salmon, Colten said, “No, because I’ve been around salmon my whole life and I would not want them to be any different”

Evan: I emailed Sam Cotton, the current director of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and asked if he thought genetically editing animals is a good or bad thing. He responded by saying: “Purely as an Alaskan [who] has been involved with Wild salmon fisheries and stocks since I was about your age, any threat, perceived or real, that might have a slight chance of impacting Alaskan Salmon either biologically or the markets that support the Commercial and Sport fishing industries is cause for concern. The genetic manipulations and combining selected genes from three different species is fascinating from a science perspective, but troubling from a biological perspective.”

Jillian: For the past few weeks as a senior english class we have been researching GMO salmon and have reached out to many Alaskans for their opinions, which have helped us to form ours:

Evan: We wouldn’t eat or buy genetically modified salmon.

Chloe: Because we feel that genetically modified fish could affect our way of life in Sand Point, Alaska,

Jillian: and AquAdvantage salmon could potentially hurt our fishing industry in the future.

Reporting from 830 am KSDP this is Jillian, Chloe, and Evan. Thanks for listening.

Area M Salmon Season Round Up

Posted on: December 17th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, AEB School District, Community Window

2015 salmon haul on F/V Celtic, a 58’ hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point.

2015 salmon haul on F/V Celtic, a 58’ Hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point.

Rolling a bag of fish on to the deck of F/V Celtic, a 58’ Hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point in 2015.

Rolling a bag of fish on to the deck of F/V Celtic, a 58’ Hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point in 2015.

Download “Area M Salmon Season Round Up” By Evan W. and Jillian B., Seniors at Sand Point School (mp3, 2.5MB, 2.5minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Area M Salmon Season Round Up
By Evan W. and Jillian B., Seniors at Sand Point School

Jillian B.:
The AK Peninsula, named by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game as Area M, recorded the 2nd overall salmon catch on record for 2015. Even with vessels on catch limits, the season featured a record-breaking haul of nearly 16.7 million pink salmon. Despite the catch records, low prices this season significantly impacted profits fleet-wide.

In Sand Point, fishing is not just the primary economic activity, it is a family business that is passed down through generations.
Evan has been fishing since he was six years old, and got to experience the 2015 salmon harvest on board the F/V Celtic, a 58’ hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point. Of all the seasons he’s had this was something special….

Evan W.:
I remember waking up to at least 10 boats waiting to make one set so they could go home. With all their lights on, it looked like the sun was rising. Once it was our turn to make a set we knew what was coming: a lot of fish, so we were excited to make the set. We got to the wedge of our net and all we could see was this huge ball of fish and when we started rolling them aboard. It seemed like it was never ending. The rails of the boat were under water at times and the deck was full of pinks it was just unreal to catch that many in one set.

Jillian B.:
Comparatively, the 1995 season holds Area M’s overall salmon catch record of 24.8 million fish;
Danny Cumberlidge, Evan’s father (who at the time was nearly the same age), remembers the season from 20 years ago very well.

Danny Cumberlidge:
The 1995 salmon season was a large year, we had a lot of humpies come back and return that year. It was probably one of the better returns we had above probably the 10 year average. Prices for the season in 1995…. We actually had a better price than what we had this year. In 1995 I think we got paid somewhere in the ballpark of $1.20 a pound for sockeye vs the $.75 this year. The pinks… I believe it was in the higher 20’s [cents per pound] closer to 30’s low 30’s [cents per pound] in 95 vs. this year it was 20 [cents per pound] the fish was quite a bit higher.

[Reporting from KSDP I’m Jillian and I’m Evan, Thanks for listening]

KSDP Talks With ADF&G About 2015 Tanners & State Cod

Posted on: November 20th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Download KSDP’s interview with ADF&G’s Trent Hartill, Asst. Area Management Biologist for Shellfish & Groundfish (mp3, 4MB)

Stream it (HTML5):

On Friday, November 21st, 2015 at 10AM, KSDP will be speaking with ADF&G’s Trent Hartill, Asst. Area Management Biologist for Shellfish & Groundfish.

We’ll be discussing the (lack of) a 2015 Tanner Crab season and the trawl surveys that led to that decision. We’re hoping to have a bit of preliminary discussion about the 2015 State Cod season as well.

2015 Tanner Crab Seasons In The Kodiak, Chignik, And South Peninsula Districts (PDF)

2014 Chignik District Trawl Survey Packet (PDF 1,577 kB)

2014 South Peninsula District Trawl Survey Packet (PDF 1,833 kB)

BigWave Dave & Virgil Look at AEBoro’s 2014 General Election Results

Posted on: November 18th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News

Download Big Wave Dave’s Election Data Sheet (PDF)

Download “BigWave Dave & Virgil Look at AEBoro’s 2014 General Election Results (mp3, 6MB)

Stream it (HTML5):

ADF&G Sez: So. AK Peninsula State Pot Cod – Approx. 3 Million lbs Caught, 15 On The Table

Posted on: March 10th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

1pm on March 10th, 2014: Bigwave Dave spoke with Trent Hartill, Groundfish Management Biologist for Alaska Department of Fish & Game.

He got an update on the pot cod quota for the South Alaska Peninsula (18,408,522lbs total GHL for 2014). Trent said that approximately 3 million pounds had been caught so far and a bit more than 15 million pounds was still available for harvest.

Download Bigwave Dave’s chat with Trent Hartill from 1pm on March 10th, 2014 (mp3, 3.5MB)

Stream it (HTML5):

Big Wave Dave Talks With U.S. Senator Mark Begich Tomorrow at 11:45AM

Posted on: March 5th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Interview has been archived below:

Download BigWave Dave’s interview with Senator Mark Begich from Thursday, March 6th, 2014 (mp3, 4MB)

Stream it (HTML5):

2/19 – Interview with Ernie Weiss, AEB Natural Resources Director about GOA Trawl Bycatch Management

Posted on: February 19th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

On Wednesday, February 19th at 11am KSDP spoke with AEB Natural Resources Director Ernie Weiss about Gulf of Alaska Trawl Bycatch Management Plans currently being discussed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.

We talked about the AEB’s Preliminary GOA trawl bycatch management proposal (pdf) & the Council’s timeline for action on this topic.

Download the interview with AEB Natural Resources Director Ernie Weiss – Wednesday, February 19th, 2014 (mp3, 6.5MB, 20minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Visits Sand Point About Wild Cattle

Posted on: January 23rd, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News

Download the KSDP news story “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Visits Sand Point About Wild Cattle” (mp3, 6MB, 3.5 minutes).

Stream it (HTML5):

Stream or Download: KSDP interview with AMNWR/FWS about Open House

Posted on: January 16th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

KSDP’s Austin Roof spoke with Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge‘s Manager Steve Delehanty and Invasive Species Biologist Steve Ebbert before their Open House in Sand Point on January 15th, 2014. They talked about the scoping process that AMNWR has begun in order to deal with unauthorized cattle on two refuge islands.

Download the interview (mp3, 9MB, 25minutes).

Stream it (HTML5):

Upcoming interview with Matthew Cronin, PhD of UAF about genetics of Chirikof cattle & American Bison

Posted on: January 14th, 2014 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Updated: Interview has been archived & is now available online.

Download the interview with Matthew Cronin, Research Professor of Animal Genetics for University of Alaska Fairbanks from 2pm on Wednesday, January 15th, 2014. (mp3, 10MB, 30minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):


KSDP will be speaking live, on-air with Matthew Cronin, Research Professor of Animal Genetics for University of Alaska Fairbanks at 2pm on Wednesday, January 15th, 2014.

We’ll be talking about some of the recent publications about his genetic research concerning the cattle on Chirikof Island as well as bison subspecies.

Examples of publications:
Cronin, M.A., M.D. MacNeil, N. Vu, V. Leesburg, H. Blackburn, and J. Derr. 2013. Genetic variation and differentiation of extant bison subspecies and comparison with cattle breeds and subspecies. Journal of Heredity. 104:500-509.

MacNeil, M.D., M.A. Cronin, H.D. Blackburn, C.M. Richards, D. R. Lockwood, and L. J. Alexander. 2007. Genetic Relationships between feral cattle from Chirikof Island, Alaska and other breeds. Animal Genetics 38:193-197.

Interview with House Representative Bob Herron 12/23/13

Posted on: December 27th, 2013 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, KSDP Programs

This program is now available for streaming or download.

Download the Interview with Rep. Herron Here (mp3, 26MB, 30minutes)

Stream it (FLASH):[audio: HERRON12-23-13.mp3]

Stream it (HTML5):

Interview with Craig Campbell of Alaska Aerospace Corporation, December 17, 2013

Posted on: December 18th, 2013 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, KSDP Programs

An interview with Craig Campbell, CEO of Alaska Aerospace Corporation discussing the use of Sand Point as a future off-axis tracking station and the future of Space in Alaska!

Download the interview from December 17, 2013 (mp3, 15MB, 18minutes)

Stream it (FLASH):[audio: Interview12-17-13.mp3]

Stream it (HTML5):

Interview with Teisha Simmons from UAF on 12-17-2013

Posted on: December 17th, 2013 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News

Bigwave Dave interviewed Teisha about the educational opportunities found with UAF for online study and enrichment, leading to a university degree.

Download the interview from December 17, 2013 (mp3, 17MB, 21minutes)

Stream it (FLASH):[audio:]

Stream it (HTML5):

Stream or download: Interview with ADF&G’s Mark Stichert about 2014 Tanner Crab on 11/29/2013

Posted on: November 18th, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

KSDP spoke live on-air with Mark Stichert, Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Shellfish Management Biologist at 1pm on Friday, Nov. 29th, 2013.

We talked about the 2013 Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) Bottom Trawl Surveys & 2014 Tanner Crab Seasons in the Chignik and South Peninsula Districts.

Stream it (FLASH):[audio:]

Stream it (HTML5):

Download it (MP3, 14min, 7MB)

For more information:
2014 Tanner Crab Seasons in the Kodiak, Chignik, and South Peninsula Districts (PDF 25 kB) – 10/15/13

2013 Tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi Bottom Trawl Survey results for the South Peninsula district (pdf, 1.8MB)

2013 Tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi Bottom Trawl Survey results for the Chignik district (pdf, 1.4MB)

2013 Tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi Bottom Trawl Survey results for the Kodiak district (pdf, 2.8MB)
