PR 13-017 Governor Parnell Says Federal Decision Against Road Threatens King Cove Residents

Posted on: February 5th, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window


No. 13-017

Governor Parnell Says Federal Decision Against Road
Threatens King Cove Residents

February 5, 2013, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell expressed deep frustration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) selection of a “no action” alternative in the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the King Cove to Cold Bay access project.

KSDP interview w/AK House Rep. Bob Herron on Thurs., Jan. 24th, 2011 at 3:30pm

Posted on: January 23rd, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Rep. Bob Herron (House District 37 – Bethel)

Rep. Bob Herron (House District 37 – Bethel)

KSDP’s Virgil Porter interviewed State House Rep. Bob Herron (House District 37 – Bethel) on Thurs., Jan. 24th, 2011 at 3:30pm.

We covered his background, had an introduction to our new Representative & got an idea about what the 28th Alaska State Legislature holds in store for our region.

Download KSDP’s interview with House Rep. Bob Herron from Thurs., Jan. 24th, 2011 at 3:30pm. (mp3, 12MB, 30 minutes).
Stream it:[audio:]

KSDP interview with ADF&G’s Eric Volk about WASSIP on Wed., Jan. 23rd, 2011 at 10am

Posted on: January 22nd, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

KSDP’s Virgil Porter interviewed ADF&G’s Eric Volk (Chief Anadromous Fisheries Scientist) about the WASSIP study on Wed., Jan. 23rd, 2011 at 10am.

Download KSDP’s interview with ADF&G’s Eric Volk from Wed., Jan. 23rd, 2011 at 10am. (mp3, 8MB, 17 minutes).
Stream it:[audio:]

From ADF&G: “WASSIP is a comprehensive program to sample commercial and subsistence chum and sockeye salmon fisheries in coastal marine areas of western Alaska, from 2006 through 2009. This program is unprecedented in its magnitude and scope, including salmon fisheries from Chignik Bay to Kotzebue Sound, stretching over 3,000 km of shoreline. During the four years of fishery sampling, approximately 320,000 samples were collected and some 156,000 samples will be analyzed by the ADF&G Gene Conservation Laboratory to estimate stock composition of fishery harvests with the finest resolution possible. Additional populations have been added to the genetic baselines for both species and the number of DNA markers has been greatly expanded to provide for increased stock resolution. WASSIP will help all stakeholders better understand the composition of harvests in western Alaska fisheries and the effects that these fisheries have on salmon stocks in this vast region.”

Stream or Download: KSDP interview with Rob McLeod of Full Metal Minerals on Tues, Jan. 15th, 2013

Posted on: January 15th, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Robert McLeod, CEO, VP Exploration and Director for Full Metal Minerals (center). Photo courtesy of McLeod Williams Inc.

Robert McLeod, CEO, VP Exploration and Director for Full Metal Minerals (center). Photo courtesy of McLeod Williams Inc.

KSDP’s Virgil Porter spoke with Rob McLeod on Tues, Jan. 15th, 2013 at 10am.

Rob McLeod is CEO of Full Metal Minerals as well as Vice-President of Exploration for the company.

We talked about Full Metal Minerals’ recent exploration for mineral deposits in the South Alaska Peninsula (Balboa Bay) & Shumagin Islands (Unga/Popof).

Download KSDP’s interview with Rob McLeod from Tues, Jan. 15th, 2013 at 10am (mp3, 11MB, 14 minutes).
Stream it:[audio:]

Download or stream: SAND POINT CITY COUNCIL – Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 8, 2013 7:00 pm

Posted on: January 9th, 2013 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window


Download the Sand Point City Council’s Regular Meeting from Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm (mp3, 49MB, 1 Hour, 44 minutes).
Stream it:[audio:]

The agenda for this SAND POINT CITY COUNCIL meeting is linked here.

Stream or Download: Sand Point City Council Meeting on 12/11/12

Posted on: December 12th, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window


Download Sand Point City Council Meeting from 12/11/12 (mp3, 35MB, 76 minutes).
Stream it:[audio:]

Agenda for this meeting is available here.

Sand Point City Council – Meeting & Work Session for 12/11/12

Posted on: December 10th, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

The Sand Point City Council Meeting at 7pm will be broadcast live on KSDP 830AM.


Sand Point City Council Work Session – Tuesday, December 11, 2012 2:00pm
Download Work Session info (pdf)
City of Sand Point Work Session
December 11, 2012 2:00 p.m., City Chambers
General Topics of discussion:
1. Silver Bay Seafood’s Lease
2. Ordinance 2012-04: Amending the Operating Budget for FY-13
3. Chief Contract
4. Administrator Contract


Sand Point City Council Meeting – Tuesday, December 11, 2012 7:00pm
Download Agenda (pdf)
Regular Meeting Tuesday, December 11, 2012 7:00pm

1. Minutes: Minutes of Regular Meeting on October 9, 2012.
2. Minutes: Minutes of Special Meeting Minutes on November 9, 2012.
1. Finance Officer
2. Administrator
3. DPS Director
4. Fire Chief
5. Public Works Director
6. Harbor Master
1. Ordinance 2012-04: Amending the Operating Budget for FY-2013
2. Resolution 12-06: Shared Fisheries
1. Silver Bay Seafood’s Lease
1. Chief Contract
2. Administrator Contract
3. AEB Donation request for Sand Pt. Junior High B-Ball Players

KSDP Interview with Mark Stichert, ADF&G Groundfish & Shellfish Management Biologist for Kodiak, Chignik & South Alaska Peninsula

Posted on: December 6th, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Tanner Crab

KSDP’s Virgil Porter spoke with Mark Stichert, Alaska Department of Fish & Game Groundfish & Shellfish Management Biologist for Kodiak, Chignik & South Alaska Peninsula on Thursday, Dec. 6th, 2012. We covered the upcoming 2013 Tanner Crab & Pacific Cod seasons for the South Alaska Peninsula region.

Information about the fisheries can be found at:

Download KSDP’s interview with Mark Stichert (mp3, 11MB, 23 minutes).

Stream it: [audio:]

KSDP interview with ADF&G’s Mark Stichert on Thursday, December 6th at 10am

Posted on: December 3rd, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

KSDP’s Virgil Porter will be interviewing Mark Stichert on Thursday, December 6th at 10am. Mark is the Alaska Department of Fish & Game Groundfish & Shellfish Management Biologist for Kodiak, Chignik & South Alaska Peninsula. We’ll be talking about the upcoming 2013 Tanner Crab & Pacific Cod seasons.

Tune in to KSDP 830AM or
on Thursday, December 6th at 10am

KSDP Interview with Katie Paglini, Program Coordinator for Connect Alaska

Posted on: November 29th, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

KSDP’s Virgil Porter spoke with Katie Paglini, Program Coordinator for Connect Alaska on Thursday, Nov. 29th, 2012.

Test your internet speed here (

Share your story with Connect AK: How has broadband changed your life? (

Download KSDP’s interview with Katie Paglini (mp3, 13MB, 25 minutes).

Stream it: [audio:]

KSDP Interview with Bill Popp, Chairman for The Alaska Broadband Task Force

Posted on: November 27th, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

KSDP’s Virgil Porter spoke with Bill Popp, Chairman for The Alaska Broadband Task Force on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, 2012.

Download KSDP’s interview with Bill Popp (mp3, 18MB, 40 minutes).

Stream it: [audio:]

KSDP interview with Sand Point School’s science teacher Nate Julian

Posted on: November 26th, 2012 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, Community Window

Sand Point Hatchery archive photo courtesy of The Tundra Times

Sand Point Hatchery archive photo courtesy of The Tundra Times

KSDP’s Virgil Porter talked with Nate Julian on Wed., Nov. 21, 2012. He is Sand Point School’s science teacher and in the midst of resurrecting the Aleutians East Borough’s salmon hatchery.

Download KSDP’s interview with Nate Julian (mp3, 9MB, 18 minutes).
Stream it: [audio:]

PenAir Mail Service Reduction

Posted on: July 7th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News

Sand Point residents are having to adjust to less frequent mail service.

PenAir Saab 340 Arriving in Sand Point (Kells Hetherington Photo)
PenAir Saab 340 Arriving in Sand Point (Kells Hetherington Photo)

From member station KSDP in Sand Point Katherine Ford reports.

Stream It: [audio:]

UAA Domestic Violence Report

Posted on: May 13th, 2010 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News

Stream It: [audio:] Kells Hetherington reporting.

Preliminary NTSB Report of King Cove Plane Crash 4/26

Posted on: April 28th, 2010 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News
