Final AEB Assembly and AEB School District Election Counts – 2019

Posted on: November 14th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, KSDP Programs

The Final Election Results Are In!

Sand Point Jury Notice: November 8, 2019

Posted on: November 5th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

If you are on Jury Duty for 2019 be sure to call in on November 8, 2019 after 12:00pm in order to get more information regarding the trial set for November 12, 2019.

More information included in the flyer below.

Aleutians East Borough Special Election: November 5, 2019 – Includes Sample Ballot

Posted on: October 21st, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, KSDP Programs


Polling places will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on November 5, 2019 and the precinct polling places will be located as follows:
Polling Places:

Sand Point Municipal Bldg.
King Cove Municipal Bldg.
Akutan Municipal Bldg.

If you plan to not be in your community on November 5, 2019, you may vote absentee in person with the Borough Clerk or with an Assistant Clerk below October 21 through November 4, 2019 until 12:00 noon. You may also request an application for an absentee ballot by phone, fax, e-mail, or by mailing a written request. The last day to request a ballot by mail is October 29, 2019. The last day to request by electronic transmission is November 4 no later than 12:00 noon and ballot must be returned to the Borough Clerk no later than 8:00 p.m. Election Day.

There are no polling places in Cold Bay, False Pass and Nelson Lagoon. Ballots are mailed to all registered voters in those communities. If you wish to have your ballot mailed elsewhere you need to fill out an absentee ballot request application.


If you have any questions, please call the Borough Clerk at 383-2699 or outside Sand Point 1-888-383-2699.
Borough Clerk, P.O. Box 349, Sand Point, AK 99661
E-mail: E-fax: 1-888-737-3524

PDF: AEB’s “Fish News” for Oct 15th, 2019

Posted on: October 16th, 2019 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

PDF: Fish News – Oct. 15, 2019

“AEB Vision Navigation Survey 2020

The Aleutians East Borough is beginning work on its 2020 strategic plan. In preparation for that plan, the board has asked Professional Growth Systems to complete a survey of residents on what is important to you.

The survey questions are on the following three pages and should take about 15 minutes to complete. To move through the survey, click the “Next Page” button at the bottom of each page. When you are finished, be sure to click the “Record Answers” button on the final page. This will assure your answers are recorded and included in the survey results.

Special Note: At the end of the survey is an opportunity to sign up for a prize drawing to be held after the survey is closed. There is a sign-up page at the conclusion of the survey to fill in and be entered into the drawing. The survey will be closed for additional input and results compiled on November 15, 2019.

Thank you for your time to complete the AEB Strategic Planning survey and for your commitment to improving the communities of the Aleutians East Borough.”

PDF: AEB Special Meeting – Runoff Election on Nov. 5th, 2019

Posted on: October 15th, 2019 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

PDF: KSDP missed the meeting, but here is the agenda & packet.

“On November 5, 2019 a Special Election be held to resolve a run-off between Assembly Seat B candidates, Paul R. Gronholdt and Mikal McGlashan; and resolve a run-off between School Board Seat E candidates, Brenda Lee Wilson and Rita Uttecht.”

Aleutians East Borough Assembly and School District Elections: 2019

Posted on: October 2nd, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, KSDP Programs

Here are the preliminary results!

Aleutians East Borough School District Meeting: Sept. 16, 2019

Posted on: September 16th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

Aleutians East Borough School District
Regular Meeting of the School Board Monday, September 16, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
Regular Meeting will be held at District Office And by VTC at all school sites

Regular Meeting Agenda

I. Opening
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum D. Others in Attendance
E. Approval of Agenda
II. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular Meeting, May 29, 2019
B. Special Meeting, June 18, 2019
C. Special Meeting, June 26, 2019
III. Recognitions/Presentations 4.1
IV. Public Comments 2.1
V. Student Comments 2.1
VI. Student Reports 4.1 A. Presentation on Resolution to Modify Eligibility Requirements
VII. Board Reports 5.2
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
A. Report to the Board 3.1
B. District Correspondence
IX. Business Manager’s Report
A. Current Financial Report 3.4
Department Reports 3.4
A. Special Education, Hilary Seifert
B. Technology Director, Kirk Feldbauer
C. Activities Director, Paul Barker
New Business
A. Ratification of August 21, 2019 Phone Poll 2.1 B. AASB Policies: 1st Reading 2.2 C. BP 6146.1 High School Graduation Requirements Revision: 1st Reading 2.2 D. Student School Board Representative Update 2.2 E. 2019 AASB Annual Conference/ November Meeting 5.2 F. AASB Awards and BOD Nominations 4.1 G. 2019 AASB Call for Resolutions 4.5 H. Youth Leadership Institute Essay Contest 2.5 I. Resolution to Modify Eligibility Requirements 4.5 J. Student Promotion 4.5 K. 2020 Strategic Planning Session 2.2
A. Resignations B. New Hires
Public Comments
Board Comments
Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Date, Time & Location of Next Meeting Adjournment
Our Mission: Aleutians East Borough School District will provide a quality education; skills and opportunities, which meet all students’ needs, helping them become productive citizens and successful life-long learners through committed community involvement.
Our Vision: Every student deserves to be surrounded by a culture of high educational expectations. All students are to be valued and should be treated fairly and respectfully regardless of their background or educational challenges. In order for students to realize their full potential; Elders, parents, teachers and community members should be involved in students’ by serving as role models and by assisting in identifying and making available community resources to meet the needs of all students.

2019 Sand Point Municipal Elections – Sample Ballot and Announcement

Posted on: September 6th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

The City of Sand Point, the Aleutians East Borough and the QT Tribe will be hosting their local elections on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. Below is the election announcement for the City of Sand Point and its sample ballot.

Be sure to come out and get your voices heard!

Sand Point Crisis and Behavioral Health Availability

Posted on: September 6th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

Eastern Aleutian Tribes has crisis response and behavioral health assistance for people needing help following the recent events in Sand Point. Please use the below flyer for contact information if you need to talk with a professional.

Notice of Election 2019 for City of Sand Point and Aleutians East Borough

Posted on: August 26th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

Two seats on the Sand Point City Council are open as well as 3 seats on the Aleutians East Borough Assembly and 3 seats on the Aleutians East Borough School District. Cut off to apply for a spot for one of these boards is September 2nd. Elections will be held on October 2nd.

South Peninsula Commercial Fishery Announcement #17 – Mainland Opening

Posted on: August 13th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

South Peninsula Commercial Fishery Announcement #17
For Emergency Order #4-FS-M-SP-14-19

Commercial salmon fishing will be allowed in the Beaver Bay, Balboa Bay, Southwest Stepovak, East Stepovak, and Northwest Stepovak sections, excluding the waters of Orzinski Bay north of a line from Elephant Point at 55° 41.92ʹ N. lat., 160° 03.20ʹ W. long. to Waterfall Point at 55° 43.18ʹ N. lat., 160° 01.13ʹ W. long. (Statistical Area 281-50) of the Southeastern District for 132 hours from 9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 15 until 9:00 p.m. Tuesday August 20. The Stepovak Flats Section will remain closed.

As previously announced:

The current commercial salmon fishing period in the Shumagin Islands Section of the Southeastern District, the Southwestern District, and the Unimak District will be extended from 9:00 p.m. Friday, August 9 until further notice.

Commercial salmon fishing in the South Central District will be allowed from 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 5 until further notice.
Commercial salmon fishing in the Bechevin Bay Section of the Northwestern District will be allowed from 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 5 until further notice.

All closed waters in the above locations will be as described in the regulation book or as adjusted by emergency order.

MP3+PDF: Aleutians East Borough Assembly Meeting – August 8, 2019

Posted on: August 9th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

Download the meeting audio (MP3):

Download the Aleutians East Borough Assembly meeting agenda (PDF, 0.2MB):
Open the Agenda Here

Download the Aleutians East Borough Assembly meeting packet (PDF, 4.5MB):
Open the Packet Here

Interview: Listen to the August Salmon Update from Biologist Lisa Fox – August 6, 2019

Posted on: August 9th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

2015 salmon haul on F/V Celtic, a 58’ hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point.

2015 salmon haul on F/V Celtic, a 58’ hansen purse seiner fishing out of Sand Point.

Alaska Peninsula Biologist Lisa Fox discusses the beginning of August for the 2019 Salmon Season and the potential for openings

Topics Discussed:

– Opportunities for fishing in the Shumagin Islands
– Harvest Observations
– Mainland and Area Escapement
– …And More!

Download the Fisheries Interview with Area Biologist Lisa Fox Discussing the August Fisheries Report(mp3, 1 MB, 5 minutes)

MP3: Alaska Department of Fish and Game 2019 Pre-Season Salmon Meeting – May 29, 2019

Posted on: May 29th, 2019 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

The Department of Fish and Game for the Aleutians East Salmon Area discusses the upcoming 2019 salmon season and answers questions from the fisherman on specific details including new schedules and regulations.

Download the meeting audio here (MP3, 10MB):
Download the 2019 Pre-Season Salmon Meeting Here!

Aleutia Membership Meeting – May 30th, 2019

Posted on: May 24th, 2019 | Author: Holden | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Please come on down to the Aleutians East Borough Building on May 30th at 6:30 pm to pick up bonus checks and give feedback to Aleutia! The meeting will also cover all the new information you need to know.

The call in number is: 1-800-315-6338, Code: 59090#

Hope to see you there!