AK State Budget Deficit: Alaskans Sound Off on Sacrificing the PFD

Posted on: April 25th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window

James Nolan of Wrangell, Frank Peratrovich of Klawock, and Gov. Ernest Gruening (seated) in Governor's office in Juneau signing the Alaska Income Tax Bill in 1949.

James Nolan of Wrangell, Frank Peratrovich of Klawock, and Gov. Ernest Gruening (seated) in Governor’s office in Juneau signing the Alaska Income Tax Bill in 1949.

Download the Sand Point Students’ news story: “AK State Budget Deficit: Alaskans Sound Off on Sacrificing the PFD” (mp3, 2.6MB, 2.5 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

AK State Budget Deficit: Alaskans Sound Off on Sacrificing the PFD

Update on Cattle and Caribou Projects from Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge

Posted on: April 22nd, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window



The federal budget act, which provides fiscal year 2016 funding for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, includes language prohibiting the USFWS Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge from spending any funds to remove non-native caribou from Kagalaska Island and conduct any work to address unauthorized cattle grazing on Chirikof and Wosnesenski islands.

For this reason, the refuge has 1) cancelled the planned 2016 caribou control operations on Kagalaska Island and 2) will not complete and release a draft environmental impact statement or conduct any other activities related to the effort to address the unauthorized cattle on Chirikof and Wosnesenski islands. The specific language in the Senate Appropriations Committee Report is as follows:

The Committee directs that no funds are provided for the Service to conduct a caribou hunt on Kagalaska Island in the State of Alaska. Additionally, the Committee directs that no funds are provided to the Service for efforts to remove cattle on Chirikof and Wosnesenski Islands in the State of Alaska.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service appreciates the public’s participation in the environmental impact statement scoping process to determine how to address the cattle on Chirikof and Wosnesenski islands. We received hundreds of comments covering a wide range of issues—from determining cattle ownership and genetics to impacts on cultural and natural resources. If authorized in the future, we hope to provide a draft EIS for public review and comment and address these issues.

Due to the budget act restrictions, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is not allowed to issue permits that would result in removal of any cattle from these two islands. Also, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is not allowed to work on clarifying ownership of the cattle.

To learn more about our previous work on these issues, visit our website:


Alaska Maritime NWR
95 Sterling Highway, Suite 1
Homer, AK 99603
(907) 235-6546

KSDP State Championship Broadcasts!

Posted on: March 15th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 2015 - 2016 Season, AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Basketball, Community Window, KSDP Programs

KSDP will be broadcasting the boys at the State Tournament! First games on Wednesday, March 16!

Sand Point Boys – 8am
King Cove Boys – 7:15pm

Tune in! 830AM in Sand Point, 88.1FM in King Cove and www.apradio.org all over the world!

Sand Point Regional Tournament Bracket – 2016

Posted on: March 9th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 2015 - 2016 Season, AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

Check out the schedule and bracket as they stand right now, when seeding becomes available that will go next.

2016 Boys Regional Bracket Revision1 (1) Sheet1

Sand Point Regionals Schedule

Final 2 Days of Proposals: Board of Fish

Posted on: February 29th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News, KSDP Programs

Here are the final two days of decisions for the Board of Fish for the Alaska Peninsula.

Download PDF Here: Fish News – Feb. 29, 2016

Download PDF Here: Fish News – Feb. 28, 2016

Fish News! Round 1 Board of Fish Proposals

Posted on: February 28th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Here is the first series of decisions on proposals for the Alaska Peninsula’s Board of Fish Meetings

Download the PDF Here: Fish News – 2-27-16

PSP Levels in Sand Point: February 2016 – Levels are High!

Posted on: February 26th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window

February 16 Flyer

Basketball Schedule: February 26-27, 2016

Posted on: February 26th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 2015 - 2016 Season, Aleutians East Borough, Basketball, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

BBALL 2 26 16

PSA for the Izembek Wildlife Refuge!

Posted on: February 25th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

Public Service Announcement Izembek- Radio

Alaska Peninsua Board of Fish

Posted on: February 23rd, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

We apologize for not being able to broadcast this live. KDLG in Dillingham had the same problem during their broadcast, but essentially the audio stream is a high quality stream making it impossible to keep a consistent connection with our internet.

We will try to download the archive and broadcast it tonight, update on times will come.

Here is the link so you can give it a try yourself, you may need to restart your stream rather frequently but it may be worth it.


Sand Point Lady Eagles Vs King Cove Rookies Girls

Posted on: February 18th, 2016 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: 2015 - 2016 Season, Aleutians East Borough, Basketball, Community Window

Sand Point Lady Eagles vs King Cove Rookies
Final Score = Sand Point 46, King Cove 28

February 18th, 2016 from Sand Point, Alaska
Games announced by Austin Roof of KSDP 830AM.

Download Sand Point Eagles (Girls) Vs Rookies from February 4th, 2016 (mp3, 22.5MB, 60 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

New In The Loop: February 12, 2016

Posted on: February 16th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, In The Loop - newsletter


Archives here:


Sale by Sealed Bid of Aleutians East Borough Property in Cold Bay, Alaska

Posted on: February 8th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window


Download PDFs via Aleutians East Borough for more information:
Cold Bay Duplex Bid Sale *1 Page Notice* (PDF)

Cold Bay Duplex Bid Sale *Packet (more details)* (PDF)

Sale by Sealed Bid of Aleutians East Borough Property in Cold Bay, Alaska

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 2:00 pm Borough Anchorage Office
Borough Conference Room #200
3380 C Street, Suite 205, Anchorage, AK 99503

Sealed bids are due in the Borough Anchorage Office and will be opened at 2:00 p.m. on March 8, 2016

Bid packets can be obtained from the Borough Anchorage Office or call 907-274-7555 or email Charlotte Levy at clevy@aeboro.org

Legal description
Duplex and land on Tract K-4, Plat 95-20 Aleutian Islands Recording District
Size: 0.39 acres
Physical Address: Borough Drive Cold Bay, Alaska
Minimum Offer: $ 95,800
Deposit: $ 9,580

Important Notice: If you received this solicitation from anyone other than the Borough Anchorage Office, you must register with the Borough Anchorage Office to receive subsequent amendments. Failure to contact the Borough Anchorage Office to register may result in the rejection of your offer.

Interview: Rep. Bryce Edgmon, February 2, 2016 – 2016 Legislative Cycle

Posted on: February 2nd, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs, Meet the People

Download Interview With Representative Bryce Edgmon about 2016 Legislative Cycle (mp3, 6MB, 18 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Interview: Ernie Weiss, February 1, 2016 – Upcoming Pollock By-Catch Meeting

Posted on: February 2nd, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News, KSDP Programs

Download Interview With Ernie Weiss Regarding Pollock By-Catch Allocation Here (mp3, 5.3MB, 15 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):