48 Hour Mainland Opener! Begins June 24, 2016

Posted on: June 22nd, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Fisheries News


AUDIO: Sand Point City Council – Agenda & Meeting Packet for June 6th, 2016

Posted on: June 6th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

Download the Sand Point City Council Meeting from June 6th, 2016 (mp3, 4.92MB, 25 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

sandpointlogo Sand Point City Council – Agenda & Meeting Packet for 7PM, Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 (PDF, 2.5MB).

Agenda & Packets available here:

Friday Flyer for May 13th, 2016

Posted on: May 19th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: AEB School District, City Of Sand Point, Community Window


Download Sand Point School’s Friday Flyer for May 13th, 2016 (PDF)

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2016
Jillian *Valedictorian
Chloe *Salutatorian

The Pool will be closed the 12th – 16th and will reopen Tuesday May 17th until June 15th. The pool will be closed from June 15th until August.

Missed out on Prom or the Mini- Prom this year? You can still purchase a SWAG bag (drink cup, cool shades, picture frame and mints) for $5. See a Student Council Member for details or to buy one.

ADF&G Preseason Stakeholder’s Meeting on 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 27 in Sand Point

Posted on: May 19th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Fisheries News

Photo of Orzinski Lake, showing the weir and field camp at the lake outlet

Photo of Orzinski Lake, showing the weir and field camp at the lake outlet. Photo via http://akssf.org/default.aspx?id=2638

This meeting will air live on KSDP & be archived at http://apradio.org


Sam Cotten, Commissioner – Scott Kelley, Director
Contact: Lisa Fox, Area Biologist, Charles Russell, Assistant Area Biologist
Sand Point Area Office – PO Box 129 – Sand Point, AK 99661
Phone: (907) 383-2066 – Fax: (907) 383-2606
E-mail: elisabeth.fox@alaska.gov
Date Issued: May 17, 2016 Time: 2:30pm

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be conducting a preseason fishery stakeholder’s meeting at the Aleutians East Borough building in Sand Point at 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 27. We will teleconference with both King Cove at the Harbor House and False Pass. The purpose of this meeting is to provide all interested parties an opportunity to discuss the upcoming salmon season with ADF&G staff.

Topics covered will include:
2016 salmon outlook
2016 management strategy
2016 department test fisheries
Other topics as time permits

To obtain further information, please contact the Sand Point Fish and Game office at (907) 383-2066.

U.S. Coast Guard Dockside Exams in Sand Point – May 30th to June 4th, 2016

Posted on: May 13th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Fisheries News

A marine science technician from Coast Guard Sector Anchorage, Alaska, inspects a vessel during a commercial fishing vessel safety exam in Dillingham, June 13, 2015. Coast Guard personnel conducted 412 dockside exams prior to the Bristol Bay Salmon Fishery. U.S. Coast Guard photo.

A marine science technician from Coast Guard Sector Anchorage, Alaska, inspects a vessel during a commercial fishing vessel safety exam in Dillingham, June 13, 2015. Coast Guard personnel conducted 412 dockside exams prior to the Bristol Bay Salmon Fishery. U.S. Coast Guard photo.

The U.S. Coast Guard will be in Sand Point doing dockside vessel inspections in Sand Point – May 30th to June 4th, 2016.

Sign up at the Sand Point Harbor House to schedule your dockside vessel exam.

“Mandatory Dockside Safety Exams must be completed for all commercial fishing vessels that operate beyond 3 nautical miles from the territorial sea baseline.”http://www.uscg.mil/d13/cfvs/

Generate your own checklst – Click here:http://www.uscg.mil/d13/cfvs/DocksideExams.asp

AUDIO: Sand Point City Council – Agenda & Meeting Packet for May 10th, 2016

Posted on: May 6th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window

Download the Aleutians East Borough Assembly Meeting from May 10th, 2016 (mp3, 4.15MB, 18 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

sandpointlogo Sand Point City Council – Agenda & Meeting Packet for 7PM, Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 (PDF, 2.5MB).

Agenda & Packets available here:

AK State Budget Deficit: Alaskans Sound Off on Sacrificing the PFD

Posted on: April 25th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window

James Nolan of Wrangell, Frank Peratrovich of Klawock, and Gov. Ernest Gruening (seated) in Governor's office in Juneau signing the Alaska Income Tax Bill in 1949.

James Nolan of Wrangell, Frank Peratrovich of Klawock, and Gov. Ernest Gruening (seated) in Governor’s office in Juneau signing the Alaska Income Tax Bill in 1949.

Download the Sand Point Students’ news story: “AK State Budget Deficit: Alaskans Sound Off on Sacrificing the PFD” (mp3, 2.6MB, 2.5 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

AK State Budget Deficit: Alaskans Sound Off on Sacrificing the PFD

Update on Cattle and Caribou Projects from Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge

Posted on: April 22nd, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window



The federal budget act, which provides fiscal year 2016 funding for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, includes language prohibiting the USFWS Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge from spending any funds to remove non-native caribou from Kagalaska Island and conduct any work to address unauthorized cattle grazing on Chirikof and Wosnesenski islands.

For this reason, the refuge has 1) cancelled the planned 2016 caribou control operations on Kagalaska Island and 2) will not complete and release a draft environmental impact statement or conduct any other activities related to the effort to address the unauthorized cattle on Chirikof and Wosnesenski islands. The specific language in the Senate Appropriations Committee Report is as follows:

The Committee directs that no funds are provided for the Service to conduct a caribou hunt on Kagalaska Island in the State of Alaska. Additionally, the Committee directs that no funds are provided to the Service for efforts to remove cattle on Chirikof and Wosnesenski Islands in the State of Alaska.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service appreciates the public’s participation in the environmental impact statement scoping process to determine how to address the cattle on Chirikof and Wosnesenski islands. We received hundreds of comments covering a wide range of issues—from determining cattle ownership and genetics to impacts on cultural and natural resources. If authorized in the future, we hope to provide a draft EIS for public review and comment and address these issues.

Due to the budget act restrictions, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is not allowed to issue permits that would result in removal of any cattle from these two islands. Also, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is not allowed to work on clarifying ownership of the cattle.

To learn more about our previous work on these issues, visit our website:


Alaska Maritime NWR
95 Sterling Highway, Suite 1
Homer, AK 99603
(907) 235-6546

AUDIO: Sand Point City Council Meeting – Agenda & Packet for April 12th, 2016

Posted on: April 12th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window


Download Sand Point City Council Meeting from April 12th, 2016 (mp3, 6MB, 25 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Download Sand Point City Council’s Agenda & Packet for the meeting on April 12th, 2016 at 7pm.

Agenda/packets here:
Direct link (PDF, 7MB)

Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:00 pm

Job: City of Sand Point – Harbor Night Watchman

Posted on: April 8th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Employment Opportunity


Download the notice – Night Watchman FT (PDF)

Women & Minorities Are Encouraged To Apply
POSTED: 04/04/16
P.O. BOX 249
The City is accepting applications for the following position:
POSITION: Harbor Night Watchman
SALARY: $14.97/Hr.
This position is under the direction of the Harbormaster. The Night
Watchman provides night security for the harbor and dock facilities Monday
through Friday. This is a full time position with benefits. (more…)

Funeral Services for Denise Wilson: March 28, 2016

Posted on: March 28th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window

Funeral Services for Denise Wilson will be held at Sand Point Baptist Chapel at 4PM. A Celebration of Life Potluck will follow at the City Gym following Graveside Services.


AUDIO: City of Sand Point – Annexation Public Meeting & City Council for 3/8/2016

Posted on: March 9th, 2016 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window


Agenda & Packets available at the link below:

If not, here is a copy:
City of Sand Point, AK’s March 8, 2016 City Council Meeting Packet (PDF 5MB)

Download the City of Sand Point’s Annexation Public Meeting from March 8th, 2016 (mp3, 4.5MB, 20 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):


Download Sand Point’s City Council Meeting from March 8th, 2016 (mp3, 6MB, 30 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Sand Point Regional Tournament Bracket – 2016

Posted on: March 9th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: 2015 - 2016 Season, AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

Check out the schedule and bracket as they stand right now, when seeding becomes available that will go next.

2016 Boys Regional Bracket Revision1 (1) Sheet1

Sand Point Regionals Schedule

Sand Point Transportation Safety Meeting: March 15, 2016

Posted on: March 9th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window


South Central Eye Doctor in Sand Point

Posted on: March 4th, 2016 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window, KSDP Programs

South Central Eye Doctor will be in Sand Point from April 11-15, 2016. If you would like an appointment please call the Sand Point Medical Clinic at 383-3151