Aleutia Annual Members Meeting Postponed!!

Posted on: May 30th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

The Aleutia Members Meeting has been postponed to Monday, June 1st at 6 pm due to inclement weather. The location stays the same at the Aleutians East Borough Office.

Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game: Pre-Season Salmon Meeting from May 29th, 2015

Posted on: May 29th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News, KSDP Programs

Download or stream: Dept. of Fish and Game Pre-Season Salmon Meeting from May 29th, 2015

Topics Include: Employee Introductions, Management Strategy, State Budget Issues and Run Forecasts

Download the Dept. of Fish and Game Meeting from May 29th, 2015. (mp3, 10MB, 40minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Aleutians East Borough Fish News: May 26, 2015

Posted on: May 27th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Community Window, Fish News - newsletter, Fisheries News, KSDP Programs

Download the latest Fish News Here: Fish News – May 26, 2015

Dept. of Fish and Game Pre-Salmon Meeting May 29, 6pm

Posted on: May 20th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News


The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be conducting a preseason fishery stakeholder’s meeting at the Aleutians East Borough building in Sand Point at 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 29. We will teleconference with both King Cove at the Harbor House and False Pass. The purpose of this meeting is to provide all interested parties an opportunity to discuss the upcoming salmon season with ADF&G staff.

Topics covered will include:
2015 salmon outlook
2015 management strategy
2015 department test fishery
Other topics as time permits

To obtain further information, please contact the Sand Point Fish and Game office at (907) 383-2066.

Two Announcements from Aleutia!!

Posted on: May 15th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

Aleutia Would Like to Announce:

1. Two Board Positions are open this year. One is a King Cove based seat and the other is a borough-wide seat. If you are interested in supporting Aleutia’s mission please contact the office at 383-5909 or email

2. The Aleutia Annual Meeting will be held on May the 28th, which is a Thursday, at 7 pm. The location of the meeting will be the Sand Point Aleutians East Borough office, but a telephonic link will be provided. The meeting agenda will include: Introduction of new Aleutia staff, plans for the upcoming season, election of two seats and feedback from buyers. Members may attend and vote and if you are not member you may become one at the meeting.

Pot Cod Update 03/25/2015

Posted on: March 26th, 2015 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

As of 03/25/2015 70% of the quota has been harvested, 15.286 million which leaves 6.47 million left. Fish and game estimates between five and ten days left of season depending on harvest levels.

Summer Salmon Run Projections For 2015

Posted on: March 23rd, 2015 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

Bristol Bay Summer Salmon Run Projection In Millions

Total Run – 53.98
Escapement – 13.46
Commercial Common Property Harvest – 40.52
Bristol Bay Harvest – 38.51
South Peninsula Harvest – 2.01

Alaska Peninsula
Sockeyes (thousands)
Total Run – 419
Escapement – 150
Harvest – 369

Pinks: (Millions)
Total Run – 16.5
Escapement – 3.3
Harvest – 13.2
Note: Fish and Game has little faith in the accuracy of the pink salmon forecast do primarily to the extreme lack of fish in 2013


Early Run (thousands)
Total Run – 1,320
Escapement – 150
Harvest – 970

Late Run (thousands)
Total – 1,217
Escapement – 350
Harvest – 967

Total Chignik System (thousands)
Total – 2,536
Harvest – 1,936
Chignik Area – 1,558
SEDM Area – 113
Cape Igvak Section – 235

Pot Cod update 03/23/2015

Posted on: March 23rd, 2015 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

As of Saturday 03/21/2015 for the Alaska Peninsula 11.5 million pounds of the allotted 21,757,443 pounds has been harvested which leaves 10.5 million pounds left. Landings for the past five days have totaled 1.2 million pounds each day.

Chignik will close at midnight tonight.

Pot Cod Update 03/16/2015

Posted on: March 17th, 2015 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

As of March 14th for the South Alaska Peninsula pot cod stands at 99 landings with 4,535,227 harvested from the quota of 21,747,443.

For the Chignik area of 10,646,012 pounds available there were 58 landings for the week of March 1-7 at 3,017,881 and for the week of March 8-14 there were 54 landings with 2,512,372 harvested.

AEB’s Fish News from March 11, 2015

Posted on: March 11th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fish News - newsletter, Fisheries News

Download the Aleutians East Borough‘s Fish News from March 11th, 2015 (PDF) here:

Previous issues are available here:{B388C2C4-EB51-4A47-A306-D19D32B2EE6F}

Upcoming Board of Fish Meeting: Something for Every State-Waters Fisherman
By Ernie Weiss, AEB Natural Resources Director

Next week, the Alaska Board of Fisheries will convene for the last meeting of the 2014/2015 cycle, the only board meeting this cycle to be held in Anchorage. Each end-of-cycle meeting typically covers issues that aren’t discussed at other topic specific meetings and proposals considered out of cycle. The title of this meeting is “Statewide Dungeness Crab, Shrimp, Misc. Shellfish (except Southeast and Yakutat) and Supplemental Issues”, and the agenda has something for every state- water fisherman. (more…)

Updated w/MP3 – South Alaska Peninsula State-waters Pacific Cod Pre-season Meeting teleconference Friday February 27, 2015 at 10a

Posted on: February 27th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

*** Meeting has been archived.
Download It Here: South Alaska Peninsula State-waters Pacific Cod Pre-season Meeting teleconference (mp3, 9.5MB)

Stream it (HTML5):
There will be a South Alaska Peninsula State-waters Pacific Cod Pre-season Meeting teleconference Friday February 27, 2015 at 10am, moderated by ADF&G Groundfish Manager Mark Stichert.

Teleconference audio will be available at the following sites:
· King Cove Harbor House
· Sand Point Borough office
· False Pass City Office
· Kodiak ADF&G office
· Anchorage AEB office
The meeting is also scheduled to be broadcast on KSDP radio and online at

This teleconference meeting will be recorded and archived online for any fishermen who are unable to attend.

AEB’s Fish News for Feb. 23rd, 2015

Posted on: February 23rd, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window, Fish News - newsletter, Fisheries News

Download AEB’s Fish News for Feb. 23, 2015 (PDF)

Fish News archives available here:{B388C2C4-EB51-4A47-A306-D19D32B2EE6F}

Fish News is published by the Aleutians East Borough


Fisheries Bills in the 2015/2016 Alaska Legislative session

AEB Fishermen’s Meeting Teleconference
There will be a South Alaska Peninsula State-waters Pacific Cod Pre-season Meeting
teleconference Friday February 27, 2015 at 10am, moderated by ADF&G Groundfish
Manager Mark Stichert.

2015 Chignik & South Alaska Peninsula Area State-Waters Pacific Cod Pot Gear Season Opening Date

Posted on: February 20th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

via ADF&G

2015 Chignik Area State-Waters Pacific Cod Season Opening Dates (PDF)

2015 South Alaska Peninsula Area State-Waters Pacific Cod Pot Gear Season Opening Date (PDF)

Sam Cotten, Commissioner
Jeff Regnart, Director
Contact: Kodiak Office
Mark Stichert 351 Research Court
Groundfish Management Biologist Kodiak, Alaska 99615
Phone: (907) 486-1840
Date Issued: 02/13/2015
Fax: (907) 486-1824
2015 South Alaska Peninsula Area State-Waters Pacific Cod
Pot Gear Season Opening Date
The South Alaska Peninsula Area state-waters Pacific cod season for vessels using pot gear will
open at noon Saturday March 7, 2015 unless delayed by marine weather forecast. (more…)

Federal Pot Cod Season Update 02/10/2015

Posted on: February 10th, 2015 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

From Josh Keaton NOAA:
We have projected a closure that should be released soon. The fishery will close Thursday at noon.

IPHC Says 3B Halibut Drops to 2,650,000lbs in 2015

Posted on: February 4th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) completed its Ninety-first Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC on January 30, 2015. More than 250 halibut industry stakeholders attended the meeting, with over 75 more participating in web broadcasts of the public sessions.

The Commission is recommending to the governments of Canada and the United States catch limits for 2015 totaling 29,223,000 pounds, displayed in the following table by regulatory area.

2015 Catch Limits
Area 3B (western Gulf of Alaska) 2,650,000
Area 4A (eastern Aleutians) 1,390,000
Area 4B (central/western Aleutians) 1,140,000

2014 Catch Limits
The Commission is recommending to the governments of Canada and the United States catch limits for 2014 totaling 27,515,000 pounds, displayed in the following table by regulatory area.
Area 3B (western Gulf of Alaska) 2,840,000
Area 4A (eastern Aleutians) 850,000
Area 4B (central/western Aleutians) 1,140,000