NOAA Fisheries Enforcement Meeting: December 29, 2015 – Download or Stream!

Posted on: December 30th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Aleutians East Borough Natural Resources Department Meeting for 2016 Fishery Regulations

Download the Aleutians East Borough NOAA Fishery Enforcement Meeting from Dec 29th, 2015 (mp3, 10MB, 31 minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Alaskans Sound Off on Newly Approved Genetically Edited Salmon

Posted on: December 21st, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: 830AM KSDP Radio News, AEB School District, Community Window, Fisheries News

An "AquAdvantage Salmon", the first FDA-approved genetically modified animal for human consumption in the U.S.A.

An “AquAdvantage Salmon”, the first FDA-approved genetically modified animal for human consumption in the U.S.A. Photo:

Download “Alaskans Sound Off on Newly Approved Genetically Edited Salmon” By Jillian B., Chloe G., and Evan W., Seniors at Sand Point School (mp3, 2.5MB, 2.5minutes)

Stream it (HTML5):

Jillian: Recently the FDA has approved the first genetically modified fish for human consumption in the U.S. We asked Alaskans for their thoughts on the AquAdvantage salmon.

Jillian: Benjamin Mobeck, a Sand Point village elder responds to the question “Would you eat AquAdvantage Salmon?” (audio) _______________________

Chloe: I interviewed Glen Gardner, the mayor of Sand Point. He said he thinks that AquAdvantage will affect Alaska fisheries because people are looking for Alaskan salmon. He also insists that Alaska has to get on the bandwagon to promote Alaska wild salmon.

Jillian: Dick Jacobsen, Chairman of the Aleut Corporation and Captain of F/V Miss Ingrid, says…..(audio) _______________________

Chloe: I also interviewed my gram, Ivy Gardner, who I think is the smartest person I know. She said that she thinks genetically modified salmon is a bunch of bull, that we don’t need altered salmon when we have wild salmon.

Jillian: For a teenager’s perspective, we spoke to Colten Mack, a junior at Sand Point school who commercial fishes. When asked if he would eat AquAdvantage Salmon, Colten said, “No, because I’ve been around salmon my whole life and I would not want them to be any different”

Evan: I emailed Sam Cotton, the current director of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and asked if he thought genetically editing animals is a good or bad thing. He responded by saying: “Purely as an Alaskan [who] has been involved with Wild salmon fisheries and stocks since I was about your age, any threat, perceived or real, that might have a slight chance of impacting Alaskan Salmon either biologically or the markets that support the Commercial and Sport fishing industries is cause for concern. The genetic manipulations and combining selected genes from three different species is fascinating from a science perspective, but troubling from a biological perspective.”

Jillian: For the past few weeks as a senior english class we have been researching GMO salmon and have reached out to many Alaskans for their opinions, which have helped us to form ours:

Evan: We wouldn’t eat or buy genetically modified salmon.

Chloe: Because we feel that genetically modified fish could affect our way of life in Sand Point, Alaska,

Jillian: and AquAdvantage salmon could potentially hurt our fishing industry in the future.

Reporting from 830 am KSDP this is Jillian, Chloe, and Evan. Thanks for listening.

AEB’s Fish News from Dec 18th, 2015

Posted on: December 18th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fish News - newsletter, Fisheries News

Download the latest issue of AEB’s Fish News from Dec 18th, 2015 (PDF).

Back issues available here:{B388C2C4-EB51-4A47-A306-D19D32B2EE6F}

Here’s the latest Fish News containing highlights from this month’s NPFMC meeting.

There’s also information on the last page about the upcoming AEB Fishermen’s Winter Fisheries Enforcement Meeting, scheduled for Dec. 29th.

2016 Tanner Crab Seasons in the Kodiak, Chignik, and South Peninsula Districts

Posted on: November 2nd, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Long story short: No Tanner season for 2016 for these three districts.

KSDP will be speaking with Mark Stichert, Area Management Biologist in the near future groundfish/shellfish trawl survey results from 2015. Stay tuned for more info!

Contact: Mark Stichert, Area Management Biologist Nathaniel Nichols, Asst. Area Management Biologist Phone: (907) 486-1840 Fax: (907) 486-1824

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has completed analysis of 2015 Tanner crab survey
results from the Kodiak, Chignik, and South Peninsula districts. Commercial Tanner crab
fisheries in these districts may occur when the estimated abundance of mature male Tanner crab
meets or exceeds stock size thresholds established in regulation (5 AAC 35.507 Kodiak, Chignik,
and South Peninsula Districts C. bairdi Tanner crab harvest strategies).

2016 Bristol Bay Salmon Forecast!

Posted on: October 29th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Fisheries News

Another large salmon run is forecasted this upcoming salmon season for the Bristol Bay fishery. The forecast calls for a harvest of roughly 31 million sockeye with another 15 million escaping for a cumulative run of 46 million fish!

Download the PDF Here:2016 Bristol Bay Salmon Forecast

Updated – ADF&G’s 2015 Area M Commercial Salmon Season Summary

Posted on: October 28th, 2015 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

ADF&G updated their 2015 salmon summary. The link below has been changed to the latest version from 10/30/2015 9:30 AM

Download the 2015 Area M Commercial Salmon Season Summary (PDF 919 kB)

New Aleutians East Borough Fish News!

Posted on: August 25th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fish News - newsletter, Fisheries News

Get the latest updates for the Aleutians East Borough Fisheries!

Download the PDF Here: Fish News – Aug. 24, 2015

Commercial Fishing Announcement

Posted on: August 12th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

Commercial salmon fishing will be extended in the Unimak, Southwestern, and South Central
districts, as well as, the Shumagin Islands Section of the Southeastern District from 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 13 until further notice.

Fish Annoucnement

Sand Point Announcement 21:

Posted on: August 6th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

For Emergency Order #4-FS-M-SP-21-15
Commercial salmon fishing will be extended in the Unimak, Southwestern, and South Central districts, as well as, the Shumagin Islands Section of the Southeastern District for 72 hours from 9:00 p.m. Thursday, August 6 until 9:00 p.m. Sunday, August 9, 2015.
Closed waters
The Volcano Bay (284-36) section as well as the Belkofski Bay Section north of a line extending
from Belkofski Point to Slavna Point will remain closed.
As previously announced:
Commercial salmon fishing is allowed within Orzinski Bay, those waters northwest of a line
from Elephant Point to Waterfall Point until further notice. The closed waters of Orzinski Bay are reduced to
the stream mouth.
Commercial salmon fishing in Beaver Bay, Balboa Bay, Southwest Stepovak, Northwest Stepovak, and East Stepovak sections of the Southeastern District will close at 9:00 p.m. Thursday, August 6, 2015

Download the PDF Here: fishing-announcement

Salmon Announcement #20:

Posted on: July 31st, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Fisheries News

Commercial salmon fishing will be allowed in the Unimak, Southwestern, and South Central
districts, as well as, the Shumagin Islands Section of the Southeastern District for 85 hours from
8:00 a.m. Monday, August 3 until 9:00 p.m. Thursday, August 6, 2015.

Commercial salmon fishing will be allowed in Beaver Bay, Balboa Bay, Southwest Stepovak,
Northwest Stepovak, East Stepovak sections of the Southeastern District for 85 hours from 8:00
a.m. Monday, August 3 until 9:00 p.m. Thursday, August 6, 2015

Download the PDF Here: Fish Announcement

July 18, 2015 – Northwest Stepovack Extended 48 hrs

Posted on: July 18th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Fisheries News

The Northwest Stepovak Section of the Southeastern District will be extended for 48 hours from
6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 19 until 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
All closed waters in the above locations will be as described in the regulation book or as adjusted
by emergency order

Download the PDF Here: Fish and Game Announcement

Shumagin Islands & South Unimak Opening July 18th for 36 Hours

Posted on: July 16th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Download the PDF Here:ADF&G Announcement

Northwest Stepovack Opening and Orzinski Extension

Posted on: July 16th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

Commercial salmon fishing will be extended in Orzinski Bay, those waters northwest of a line from Elephant Point to Waterfall Point for 24 hours from 6:00 pm Thursday, July 16 until 6:00 p.m. Friday,
July 17, 2015. The closed waters of Orzinski Bay will remain at 1,000 yards.

The Northwest Stepovak Section (including Orzinski Bay) of the Southeastern District will open
to commercial salmon fishing for 48 hours from 6:00 p.m. Friday, July 17 until 6:00 p.m. Sunday,
July 19, 2015.

Download the PDF Here: ADF&G Announcement

The Shumagin’s and South Unimak Are Opening for All Gear Types!

Posted on: July 13th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Fisheries News


Northwest Stepovak Extended for 48 Hours!!

Posted on: July 12th, 2015 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fisheries News

NW Stepovak Extended from 6pm Sunday July 12 till 6pm Tuesday, July 14!
