Boil Notice for Sand Point is Lifted – 3/18/2021

Posted on: March 18th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window

CITY OF SAND POINT- P.O. Box 249 – Sand Point, AK 99661 – (907) 383-2696


The boil water notice that was issued for the City of Sand Point has officially been lifted by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation effective 3/18/2021. This notice was issued due to water treatment and water distribution concerns related to a prolonged power outage which started on 3/7/2021. The 3 conditions for lifting the boil water notice have all been met, which were: restoration of reliable power to the water treatment facility, disinfection of the water system, and collection of 3 satisfactory total coliform bacteria samples.


POSTED: 03/18/21

“An Alaskan Moment” for March 15th, 2021

Posted on: March 12th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: An Alaskan Moment

Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of March 15th, 2021.

A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.

“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.

Sometimes twice as much. (more…)

PUBLIC NOTICE: Revised City of Sand Point Travel Policy – 03/11/21

Posted on: March 11th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window

Download the PDF.

CITY OF SAND POINT – PO Box 249 – Sand Point, AK 99661 – (907) 383-2696
POSTED: 03/11/21


Revised City of Sand Point Travel Policy – 03/11/21

People who are within 90 days of testing positive for COVID-19 or 14 days past their second vaccination or single-dose vaccination AND asymptomatic may come to Sand Point and are not required to get tested or isolate. However, the City still requests all travelers to the community to adhere to the best practices, including personal hygiene and social measure, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. City policy does not override or supersede any private businesses or governmental regulations.

People who do not meet the above criteria are asked to isolate for 7 days and then get a negative test before resuming normal activities. After a negative test the City still requests all travelers to the community to adhere to the best practices, including personal hygiene and social measure, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. City policy does not override or supersede any private businesses or governmental regulations.


Aleutians East Borough – Assembly Meeting Agenda – March, 2021

Posted on: March 11th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

The Aleutians East Borough Assembly Meeting aired live on KSDP at 3pm on Thursday, March 11th.

Download the meeting (MP3):

Download the PDF for this meeting:

Listen MP3: Sand Point City Council Meeting – Agenda & Packet – March, 2021

Posted on: March 5th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window

Download the agenda & packet here (PDF, 2MB):
03 09 21 Agenda

The meeting has been archived here (MP3, 19.7MB):

“An Alaskan Moment” for March 8th, 2021

Posted on: March 5th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: An Alaskan Moment, Community Window

Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of March 8th, 2021.

A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.

“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer. (more…)

JOB: Temporary Security Guard for Aurora Launch Services in Sand Point

Posted on: March 3rd, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: City Of Sand Point, Community Window, Employment Opportunity

Aurora Launch Services
4300 B Street ● Suite 101 ● Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ● (907) 561-3338 ● FAX (907) 561-3339

Download employment opportunity (PDF, 115Kb)

Job Title: Temporary Security Guard
Location: Sand Point Alaska

Job Description:
Aurora Launch Services (ALS) is seeking to fill Temporary Security Guard positions to support a mission in the third quarter of 2020. The successful applicants will be required to work shifts, as requirements
are the area be under 24-hour coverage 7 days a week. The duration of the employment will be approximately 8 weeks.

Individual will be responsible for site security of ALS assets within a fenced are at the Sand Point School. Guard will ensure all equipment is secured when ALS employees are not present, checks of the facilities will required and logged hourly. (more…)

Aquatic Farmsite Lease: Trident Seafoods, Lefthand Bay, Sand Point, Alaska

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window

ADL 233410 – Trident Seafoods – Preliminary Decision 2021.pdf

Subject to AS 38.05.083, the Southcentral Regional Land Office (SCRO) has made a Preliminary Decision to offer a 10-year lease to Shannon Carroll dba Trident Seafoods Corporation for a 101.92-acre, more or less, site for the operation of an aquatic farmsite for the purpose of cultivating bull kelp, sugar kelp, and ribbon kelp. The location of the project area is further described as being within the S1/2 of Section 2 and SE1/4 of Section 3, Township 54 South, Range 75 West, Seward Meridian, within Lefthand Bay, approximately 14 nautical miles northwest of the city of Sand Point, Alaska.

The public is invited to review and comment on this Decision. A copy of the Decision can be found at or is available in hardcopy upon request. Questions concerning how to comment should be directed to Brent Reynolds at (907) 269-8567, by e-mail at or by fax to (907) 269-8913. All comments must be received in writing at the above listed mailing address or e-mail on or before 5:00 PM on April 1, 2021.

via PSMFC: Alaska Commercial Harvester Sector CARES Act Application

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Community Window
Alaska Commercial Harvester Sector CARES Act Application
*Alaska Subsistence User CARES Act applications are currently unavailable*

Alaska CARES Act Information
Applications are now available.

NOAA is currently working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to identify potentially eligible subsistence users across Alaska. Once this task is completed, subsistence applications will become available.

Applicants will be responsible for downloading or printing their applications off this site. Applicants are encouraged to complete and submit their applications electronically, although will still be permitted to print, complete by hand, and submit through traditional mail methods, i.e USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc. Applications will NOT be mailed unless explicitly requested. Given the application period is only 54 days; all applications MUST be received or at least postmarked on or before 4/23/2021 – ABSOLUTELY NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED, Commission staff highly encourage applicants to obtain the necessary documents themselves due to these time constraints and due to our limitations to review and respond to voicemails and emails promptly.

2021 S. AK Pen. Cod Pre-Season Teleconference – March 3rd, 1pm

Posted on: March 1st, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Fish News - newsletter

From “Fish News” via AEB:

Alaska Department of Fish & Game
South Peninsula Pacific Cod State-waters Fishery Preseason Meeting

Download the audio from this teleconference (MP3, 2.4MB).

The Alaska Department of Fish & Game will hold a preseason meeting for the South Peninsula Pacific cod State-waters Fishery at 1pm Wednesday March 3, 2021. ADFG Fishery Managers Nat Nichols & Cassandra Whiteside will discuss fishery reporting requirements, number of registered vessels, weather forecast, season length predictions, etc. and will be available to answer questions.

The teleconference number for the March 3rd 1PM preseason meeting is:
access code:

From the ADFG February 1, 2021 Advisory Announcement for Emergency Order 4-GF-
“The South Alaska Peninsula Area state-waters Pacific cod pot gear season will open at
12:00 noon March 7, 2021, unless delayed by weather. If the National Weather Service
marine forecast for Area PKZ155 issued at 4:00 a.m. on March 7, 2020 contains a gale
warning, the season opening will be delayed 24 hours. Weather delays may continue on a
rolling 24-hour basis for seven days, after which the season will open regardless of the
weather forecast. The 2021 South Alaska Peninsula Area state-waters Pacific cod
guideline harvest level (GHL) is 5.28 million pounds. Pot vessels are allocated 85% of
the GHL or 4.49 million pounds. (more…)

“An Alaskan Moment” for March 1st, 2021

Posted on: February 26th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: An Alaskan Moment, Community Window

Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of March 1st, 2021.

A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.

“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.

Sometimes twice as much.

Every Monday morning.

From Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting in Sand Point.

This week in Alaska History:

Live on KSDP – COVID Vaccine Info w/ Dr. Anne Zink, Dr. Shanda Lohse & Paul Mueller (EAT)

Posted on: February 24th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

KSDP aired a live discussion about COVID vaccine availability in the Aleutians East Borough from Eastern Aleutian Tribes at 9am on Friday, February 26th, 2021.

To listen to the whole discussion, click the link below or click play.
Listen to the discussion here!

Topic: “Don’t Be Hesitant, Roll Up Your Sleeve.”

– Anne Zink, MD Chief Medical Officer, State of Alaska

– Paul Mueller, EAT CEO
– Shanda Lohse, MD EAT Medical Director 

Subtopics: Vaccine availability to the seafood industry; debunking vaccine myths and conspiracy theories; potential outcomes from vaccination.

“An Alaskan Moment” for February 22nd, 2021

Posted on: February 19th, 2021 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: An Alaskan Moment, Community Window

Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of February 22nd, 2021.

A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.

“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.

Sometimes twice as much.

Every Monday morning.

From Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting in Sand Point.

This week in Alaska History:

Aleutians East Borough School District – February 17th, 2021 Board Meeting

Posted on: February 17th, 2021 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, KSDP Programs

KSDP aired a quick School Board meeting at 6:30pm on February 17, 2021 to finish old business regarding the Administrative Contracts for 2021-2022.

The meeting has been archived here (MP3, 19.7MB):

Agenda & board packet available as PDFs here:

February 17, 2021 Special Board Meeting Agenda and Packet:

Aleutians East Borough School District – February 15th, 2021 Board Meeting

Posted on: February 15th, 2021 | Author: Holden | Filed under: AEB School District, Community Window

KSDP aired the School Board meeting at 6:30pm.

The meeting has been archived here (MP3, 19.7MB):

Agenda & board packet available as PDFs here:

February 15, 2021 Special Board Meeting Agenda:

February 15, 2021 Board Packet: