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December 9, 2009 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: July 9th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Sand Point School Library Conference Room

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

8:00 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:02 p.m. by Chairman Robbe Gilmour.

Roll Call

Board members present:  Robbe Gilmour – Chairman; Marta Varga – Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board Member; Joanna Karlsen – Board Member

Board members excused: Jim Brown – Chairman Emeritus

KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Virgil Porter – Music Director; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant

Approval of Agenda

Robbe moved to approve the proposed agenda.  Marta seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the minutes was postponed until the next regular meeting.

Report from the General Manager

Kells gave a quick update on the radio station.  Both the AP and SIP satellite dish installations are complete.  The SIP dish is now providing the station with Alaska Public Radio Network programming: Alaska News Nightly, Line One: Your Health Connection, Fish Radio, Alaska Morning News and the Alaska Economic Report.  Kells frequently contributes news reports to Alaska News Nightly.  Most of his reports stem from his Meet the People interviews.

Now that the SIP dish is installed, the 4PM newscast will disappear.  The news effort will focus on producing packages for the Alaska, statewide news program.  Kells referenced to recent Meet the People interview with Shawna Anderson saying that his discussion with her focused on recent developments in her life.  He said some listeners hated it; others loved it and just about everyone had an opinion.

The King Cove FM translator remains off the air.  Chuck Lakaytis visited King Cove and reviewed the situation.  Chuck is now putting the finishing touches on his report.  Right now, he is waiting for price quotes on several things.  Chuck expects to have his report to Kells by week’s end.

The radio station held its first pizza fundraiser.  KSDP sold fifty pizzas from the Moose’s Tooth Restaurant in Anchorage.  The pizzas were well received.  Customers liked the product.  A few even suggested the station’s raising the price to make it a better fundraiser

Kells proposed a credit card for the station.  The card would be useful for ordering fuses, etc.  Kells proposed using the credit card with the same approval process checks go through.

Kells also reported having submitted a Round V Capital Grant application to the Alaska Capital Grant program.  The program is funded through the Denali Commission.  The station’s grant request is for a new radio console and new studio furniture for the production room, a massive rewiring of the station’s computer network, as well as several additional furniture items needed in the outer office area.

The production room window is still in need of repair.  The City of Sand Point purchased the materials to fix it, but has not done so.  The minor problem is becoming a major problem and needs to be given attention.

Old Business

No Old Business.

New Business

KSDP’s recent pizza fundraiser was first on the agenda.  Kells reported that it had been a success; the station sold all 50 pizzas, however KSDP made a profit of only $95.33.  Next, Kells showed the board the HughesNet service proposal.  KSDP needs another internet line to support the station’s operations.  The Board agreed to TelAlaska’s supplying a second internet connection.  Jack made the motion, Marta seconded the motion and the motion passed.  The credit card proposal was discussed; the Board approved a petty cash account for a credit card with a $500.00 spending limit.  Marta moved to approve the motion and Joanna seconded it, and the motion passed.  The State Capital Grant request was next.  Last on the agenda was the production room window repair.  Jack said that he would stop by and look at the problem.   Robbe suggested using the NOAA money for the production room window repairs.  Joanna moved the question and Marta seconded it.  The motion passed.

Public Comments & Discussion

Jack wanted more positive music played and more rock.  Kells reminded the Board about the Foraker Group president Dennis McMillan’s visit on January 22.  In February, Pat Yack, APRN’s new news director, will be visiting the station.  The next Board meeting will be a budget only meeting.

Next Meeting

The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, January 13, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. at the Sand Point School Library Conference Room. 


Joanna moved to adjourn the meeting.  Robbe seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.

Minutes reviewed by Kells Hetherington, General Manager.