Eastern Aleutian Tribes’ Monthly Update from January 2017

Posted on: January 27th, 2017 | Author: Virgil | Filed under: Aleutians East Borough, Community Window

Father Andrei, Blessing of the Waters Ceremony in False Pass on January 19, 2017

Father Andrei, Blessing of the Waters Ceremony in False Pass on January 19, 2017

Download Eastern Aleutian Tribes’ Monthly Update from January 2017 (PDF).



· Adak – Upcoming Services:

· January 22 – 26th – Dr. Isgro, Behavioral Health and Wellness Director

· March 26 – April 2nd – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· Akutan – Upcoming Services:

· January 27th – February 1st – Ben Steward, DHAT (His travel to Akutan was delayed, so the end date might be extended.)

· April 7 – 14th – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· Cold Bay – Upcoming Services:

· February 2 – 6th – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· February 8 – 12th – ETT Class with Susan Davis (tentative dates)

· February 20 – 24th – Dr. Isgro, BH&W Director

· February 25 – 30th – Ben Steward, DHAT, and Kathy Bear, Dental Assistant

· False Pass – Upcoming Services:

· February 6 – 10th – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· King Cove – Upcoming Services:

· January 30th – February 3rd – Jennifer Harrison, CEO

· February 1st – Elders Luncheon

· February 8 – March 3rd – Steve Dempsey, Behavioral Health Clinician

· February 27 – March 4th – Dr. Humphreys, SCF Optometrist, and Will Forman, SCF Optician

· March 6 – 25th – Ben Steward, DHAT, and Kathy Bear, Dental Assistant

· Nelson Lagoon – Upcoming Services:

· January 26 – February 2nd – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· March 30 – April 6th – Ben Steward, DHAT, and Kathy Bear, Dental Assistant

· Sand Point – Upcoming Services:

· February 6 – 10th – Tina Cloyd, Human Resources Director

· February 13 – 25th – SCF Dental Team

· February 28 – March 3rd – Public Health Nurse

· March 6 – 10th – Ron Deis will be providing X-Ray Training

· March 6 – 24th – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· Whittier – Upcoming Services

· April 3 – 7th – Dr. Costa and Gabby Costa, Dental Assistant

· Service Highlights:

· Shonna Wheeler, our DHAT in training in Bethel, is actively seeing patients and learning dental procedures.

· The City of Whittier has designated 1,800 square feet for a new clinic in Whittier. We are working on doing the preliminary design.

· The new vehicles for King Cove and Cold Bay were purchased. King Cove one will arrive in King Cove on Sampson the first of February. Cold Bay one will be utilized between Whittier and Anchorage until the Ferry to Cold Bay in May.

· Four EAT staff members attended the Cerner Conference. Our Clinical Information Team is becoming known state-wide as Cerner experts. I regularly receive praise from providers on what a good job Nellie Roehl and George Gunderson are doing with training them on Cerner.

· The Community Health Representatives (CHRs) helped each community have a social event or potluck for the holidays.

· Sand Point Clinic provided a Flu Clinic at Trident Seafood for their employees.

· Edgar Smith moved to King Cove to be Operations Director/King Cove Clinic Manager.


· New Hires:

· Trudy Sobocienski started as new Planning and Development Manager on January 18th.

· Open Positions:

· Behavioral Health Clinician – King Cove

· Clinical Information Clerk (CIC) – Sand Point

· Community Health Aides* – Nelson Lagoon, Sand Point, and recruiting for itinerants

· Community Health Aide (CHA)/ CHR* – Akutan

· Dental Hygienist(s) – Traveling to all sites

· Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant – Adak, Akutan, King Cove, Sand Point, and recruiting for Itinerants

· Physician – Recruiting for itinerants

*Note: No experience necessary. Training will be provided.

· Caught Ya Caring Winners for January:

· I nominate Ross Bucher and Ed Smith (IT Technicians, Anchorage) for always attending to my computer needs when requested, even when they are busy with other matters they will come and fix whatever it is that needs tending too and are always “happy to help”. Thanks guys, you are great team members!

· I would like to nominate Joanna Karlsen (CIC/CMS, Sand Point) for her hard work and dedication at her new role CIC/CMS. Not only does she complete her regular job duties, she always works to educate her coworkers on how to best support patient care, such as teaching us how to pull VacTrAK records in preparation for evening huddles. She is an integral part of the care team in Sand Point – thank you for going above and beyond your duties, Joanna!

Quality Improvement

· Our Quality Improvement Team visited King Cove with the Alaska Primary Care Association. The clinical staff is working to decrease the percentage of patients with a diagnosis of hypertension, age 18-85, whose blood pressure measurement is greater than 140/90 by 50% by July 30, 2017.


· We are continuing to work with APIA on developing an Employment-Based Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Program. Grants were awarded by both Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and the Rasmuson Foundation for the planning phase. We are currently planning a four day retreat that will take place in March 2017 in Anchorage. This retreat will bring many different entities to the table to help us build and move forward with the project.

Jennifer Harrison
CEO / Eastern Aleutian Tribes / Anchorage Office
3380 ‘C’ Street, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99503
Office: 907-277-1440, ext. 510 / Toll Free: 1-866-328-4911 / Fax: 907-277-1446

“Working Together to Promote Healthy Communities”