LISTEN LIVE! NOW: NV1 or NPR Programming - Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting - HF NEXT: 2024-04-18-KSDP-GCI - Feb. 10, 2011: Meet the People w/ PenAir President Danny Seybert - 830 AM KSDP – Sand Point, AK

Feb. 10, 2011: Meet the People w/ PenAir President Danny Seybert

Posted on: February 10th, 2011 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Meet the People

Kells Hetherington and Danny Seybert, president of Peninsula Airways (PenAir), discuss US Senator John McCain’s efforts to eliminate funding for the Essential Air Service program on Meet the People.  The EAS program provides subsidies to airlines, big and small, for certain routes primarily serving rural American destinations where air service is essential.

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