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February 23, 2009 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: February 25th, 2009 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

Sand Point Library Conference Room

Monday, February 23, 2009

6:30 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robbe Gilmour.

Roll Call

Board members present: Chairman, Robbe Gilmour; Secretary / Treasurer, Marta Varga and Board member, Joanna Karlsen via teleconference

Board members not present: Vice President, Justin Godbehere; Chairman Emeritus, Jim Brown

KSDP staff present: General Manager, Kells Hetherington; Music Director, Virgil Porter; Administrative Assistant, Shannon Sommer

Approval of Agenda

Robbe Gilmour moved to approve the agenda. Marta Varga seconded the motion.

Approval of Minutes

Robbe Gilmour moved to approve the minutes. Marta Varga seconded the motion.

Report from the General Manager

Kells reported that the station had launched a new website, covered several high school basketball games, completed an application to the state requesting funds for a new translator in King Cove and that the station is continuing to improve its local programming, especially in the area of news and information.  KSDP had more news reports carried on the Alaska Public Radio Network in a two week time span than ever before. The station was named an Alaska Marketplace finalist. Also, this past Saturday, KSDP signed a new underwriting sponsor.

The station’s new website is at the same web address as before, and also will still take you to our site. The new website is easier for us to update and easier on our finances.

Kells also stated KSDP has aired several high school basketball games and has received much positive feedback from listeners; particularly from King Cove.

Meet the People has provided the station with audio to roll into news reports that have been broadcast on the Alaska Public Radio Network. Several of those reports were provided to the Board on CDs mailed out in the recent past.

KSDP has completed its capital grant request to the state for $38,000.00. The money will be used to improve the radio translator in King Cove. Since the translator belongs to KDLG in Dillingham, Kells reported having spoken with the GM there about a transfer of the license to KSDP. Both stations may share a couple hours of programming per week.

KSDP was named one of the thirty finalists in the Alaska Marketplace Competition for $300,000.00.  The Alaska Marketplace will fly Kells to Anchorage for a May 5, 2009 presentation of the station’s wind turbine grant proposal.  The proposal will made to a panel of judges and members of the public gathered at the ConocoPhillips building in Anchorage.  Alaska Marketplace will provide Kells with a travel stipend.

KSDP is in Round Two of applications to the Alaska Energy Authority. Round One applications have been reviewed by the AEA, which funded most of the grant requests. KSDP is requesting one hundred and twenty thousand dollars for the purchase and installation of a wind turbine.  The turbine will provide the station with more than eighty percent of its electricty.

The Rasmuson Foundation in Anchorage has been in contact with Kells since the last Board meeting. The Director of the Foundation Diane Kaplan, held a conference call on February 17, 2009 to discuss the market downturn. The station’s Tier One application requesting $25,000.00 for the purchase and installation of a SIP dish and studio renovation should be decided on by early March.

Old Business

No Old Business discussed.

New Business

Kells asked the board for any ideas for the upcoming membership drive. The board, in turn, told Kells and staff to come up with ideas for different amounts of donations.

Robbe and Marta both signed checks for the station’s monthly bills for February 2009 and approved the purchase of a battery backup for the phone system.

Kells had previously informed the Board of the outstanding grants.

Public Comments & Discussion

No Public Comments.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is Thursday, March 12, 2008 at 6:30 p.m.


Robbe Gilmour moved to adjournt at 7:40 P.M. Marta Varga seconded the motion.

These minutes were typed by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.