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Job Posting: Aleutians East Borough School District Athletic Programs Director

Posted on: August 3rd, 2022 | Author: Holden | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, Community Window, Employment Opportunity


Position: Athletic Programs Director

Location: Represents the Aleutians East Borough School District – (lives in domicile community)

18 years of age or older Effective communications skills.
High School graduate or equivalent Related education and/or training.
Well-organized and detailed Practical computer skills.
Experience working with coaches, staff, and students Experience making travel arrangements.
Consistent with certified staff CBA provisions, preferred consideration will be given to certified staff, followed by classified staff, followed by community members.

Report to: District Superintendent

Job Duties
1. Plans, schedules, and modifies as needed, all the district’s various athletic-related programs and events.
2. Hires and oversees the district’s coaches and athletic/activities program advisors.
3. Arranges and/or coordinates travel plans for school activities and events.
4. Travels occasionally for meetings and in support of activities and events.
5. May manage and supervise the district’s pool and pool staff, as directed by the superintendent.
6. May monitor and manage the location’s exercise/weight room, as directed by the superintendent.
7. Other duties, as assigned and directed by the superintendent.

Terms of Employment:
1. Stipend amount is up to $7,000 – DOE.
2. Term: 10 months minimum – July through April
3. It is understood by and between the parties that the Director serves at the pleasure of the district. The Director hereby expressly waives any rights set forth in AS 14.20.095 through AS 14.20.210, inclusive thereof regarding this agreement. It is especially understood and agreed by the parties that this position is not tenured, and that the Director shall acquire no tenure status in this position.

Application Closing Date: 15 AUG 2022

Submit application to: AEBSD District Office

An application is available online at: