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June 5, 2007 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 3rd, 2009 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

KSDP Broadcast Center, Sand Point City Hall

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

8:30 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by James Brown, Chairperson.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. by Vice-Chairperson, Robbe Gilmour.

Approval of Agenda

Joanna made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes of the Budget item to be moved from the New business to Old Business prior to the Contracts item and the item Executive Session removed. Chris seconded. Vote = Unanimous, yes.

Approval of Minutes

Chris made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 29, 2007 Board of Directors Meeting. Joanna seconded. Vote = Unanimous, yes.

Station Managers Report

Kells informed the Board that he had a good visit in King Cove. He mentioned that some listening members in King Cove do not like the rap music, which is played often. Discussion as held that many of the younger generation enjoy the music but possibly better scheduling can be done for it and more scheduling for other variety shows and theme times can be made. Programming Director Jeremy Krone mentioned that he’s waiting for a bunch of new music so more variety can be played. Kells reported that h is still waiting of the new singers to be listed on the accounts. He also mentioned that he will get the list of directors updated with the State of Alaska as well. Discussion was also held regarding correspondence and items to consider budgeting for.

Old Business

  1. Fiscal Year 07-08: Discussion was held regarding the legal fees for getting the elections and membership drive underway and also other business matters. Legal fees were expected to be about $13,000.00 between attorneys but should not need to be budget for at the same amount. Jim asked if more legal fees were expected to come up and if so the station should budget for them and to check into retaining an attorney to keep on retainer to represent KSDP. Kells didn’t expect more legal fees to arise but its possible and has spoken with other public radio stations and most don’t retain attorneys because most have never heard of problems occurring that are like the situation that KSDP experience. The Board asked for $5,000.00 to be allocated for legal fees.

Also discussed was, budgeting funds for broadcasting the high school basketball games and that this was very popular in the past and man in the community would like this to return to KSDP. It was mentioned that many local businesses will probably contribute and have made donations in the past to help make this possible. The Board asked for $2,500.00 to be allocated for broadcasting school sporting events and for planning to be worked on for broadcasting and seeking funding.

Kells also discussed that future Contract Expenses should go down for tech support. More for the website will be done “in house.” Kells also explained that it would be more reliable and more efficient for ADP a payroll prep company to take care of doing the station payroll. This would include filing the State and Federal payroll reports and paying the payroll taxes on time. It was discussed than in the past many problems arose when these were found to not have been being taken care of and to avoid any problems it would be a very good idea and it was cost efficient in regards to the number of employees it would be used for. Other Contract Expenses may include some engineering costs of the engineers to come out and climbing the tower to do repairs and other maintenance with broadcasting equipment. There are some repairs needed that are causing some problems with broadcasting. Kells also discussed that he just switched to AT & T for the stations long distance, which is much better than the previous provider.

Jim suggested getting phone cards for making long distance calls. The cost per minutes is very cheap.

Kelly requested that funds be budgeted for an annual audit to be conducted. She mentioned that most businesses and entities must have an independent annual audit done after the end of a fiscal year. Robbe agreed as well as Jim. Kells mentioned that it was very expensive. Kelly agreed that the cost for such a small business seemed to be extreme but to contact different firms to provide bids or cost quotes, anywhere else it is required. Kells felt that it should be done in a more random manner. Kelly explained that when she worked very closely during audits with the accounting firms they conducted things in a very random manner by having random AP invoices/check copies and payroll check stubs pulled form the files to make sure all were together and in proper order. This was also done with random dates for AR deposits as well. They would also go through the expense and income record keeping to be sure everything was recorded properly and would prepare the tax statements and Profit and Loss Reports.

Other discussions were held regarding looking into having a handbook for policy and procedures for budget development, employer/employee matters, such as, reimbursement request procedures, travel/per-diem rates, and other operating policies. Kelly explained that many businesses, municipalities & schools have policy & procedure manuals for boards and the administrative department and employment handbooks or policy handbooks for employer/employee relations.

Kelly made a motion to approve the budget with the adjustments included for payroll, legal fees, annual audit and broadcasting for school sports to coincide with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007 ending June 30, 3007. Joanna seconded. Vote = Unanimous, yes.

Employee Contracts

Discussion was held regarding issues for payroll schedules, job descriptions and job duties. Robbe would like to wait to discuss employee contracts until the net meetin gnad work with Kells on contracts, review policies. Robbe entertained a motion for the Board to take action as discussed. Joanna made a motion to address pay amounts, contracts, and labor relations until the next meeting with any pay adjustments needing to be worked out to be retroactive as well. Chris seconded. Vote = Unanimous, yes.

Public Comments

Jim asked for the Website to please be updated for meeting notices to members and the public. He mentioned that it hadn’t been since the announcement of the election results meeting. Also requested was that the Term Lengths for each seat on the board of the current board needs to be determined at the next meeting.

Next Meeting

The next KSDP Board of Directors Meeting will be June 10, 2007 at 8:15 p.m. at the KSDP Station.


Joanna made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chris seconded. Vote = Unanimous, yes.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly O’Keefe-Bjornstad, Secretary/Treasurer

*These minutes were re-typed by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.