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March 16, 2009 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: June 29th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

KSDP Meeting of the Board of Directors

Sand Point Library Conference Room

Monday, March 16, 2009

6:30 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. by Chairman Robbe Gilmour.

Roll Call

Board members present: Robbe Gilmour-Chairman; Justin Godbehere-Vice President and Joanna Karlsen-Board member via teleconference

Board members not present: Marta Varga-Secretary/Treasurer; Jim Brown-Chairman Emeritus

KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington- General Manager; Virgil Porter -Music Director; Shannon Sommer-Administrative Assistant

Approval of Agenda

Robbe Gilmour moved to approve the agenda.  Justin Godbehere seconded the motion.

Approval of Minutes

Robbe Gilmour moved to approve the minutes.  Justin Godbehere seconded the motion.

Report from the General Manager

Kells reported the radio station received almost seventy-five thousand dollars from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Kells also said, KSDP will be upgraded to HD.  The upgrade will take place in June.  Alaska Public Broadcasting will pay for the visit.  The station will incur no cost.

The Rasmuson Foundation awarded KSDP more than nine thousand dollars in response to the station’s grant application.  The application requested funds for the purchase and installation of a SIP dish, and a studio renovation.  The SIP dish will receive programming from the state radio network.  The cost of the project will exceed the nine thousand dollar grant.

Kells also contacted Public Interactive and the Associated Press to alter service contracts.  Public Interactive will continue to service the station’s streaming needs and discontinue the web hosting service.  The station has requested that the Associated Press eliminate the audio portion of its AP package.  The changes will save money.

The Alaska Political Newswire is an enormous success.  The online product offers press releases and information released to the media by Alaskan politicians.

The capital grant request to the State of Alaska has been submitted to Rep. Bryce Edgmon’s office.  The capital budget is very limited this year.

The radio station is still waiting on the Alaska Energy Authority’s decision on its wind turbine grant application.  The radio station has applied for a wind turbine.  The station has made a similar application to the Alaska Marketplace Competition.

Kells also said, “The station will need a transmitter site engineering visit in the near future.  Two things need to be repaired.  An antenna wire needs to be replaced or refastened to the tower and the STL dish needs to be replaced.”

Old Business

No Old Business discussed.

New Business

The Board members looked over the past months bills and signed checks and looked over the budget VS. actual report.  Kells spoke of the Alaska Marketplace proposed business plan, Rasmuson Foundation grant award agreement and the Alaska Humanities Forum Grant Application.  He also discussed fundraising.  Snopac interest in programming; the Board agreed they would talk more about it at a later date.

Public Comments & Discussion

No Public Comments

Next Meeting

The next meeting TBA.


Robbe Gilmour moved to adjournment at 7:45 P.M.  Justin Godbehere seconded the motion.

Minutes submitted by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.