May 29, 2007 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting of the Board of Directors
KSDP Broadcast Center, Sand Point City Hall
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
8:00 P.M.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by James Brown, Chairperson.
Roll Call
Board members present: Chairperson James brown, Vice-Chair Robbe Gilmour, Secretary/Treasurer Kelly O’Keefe-Bjornstad, Christopher Holmberg. Joanna Karlsen arrived at 8:10 p.m.
Other present were Kells, KSDP General Manager, employees Jeremy Krone and Jesse Pesterkoff.
Approval of Agenda
Robbe made a motion to approve the agenda as present. Kelly seconded the motion.
Vote = Unanimous, yes. Motion passes.
Approval of Minutes
Robbe made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 22, 2007 Board of Directors meeting. Chris seconded the motion.
Vote = Unanimous, yes. Motion passes.
Managers Report
Kells spoke with the Board regarding some technical planning for the station as well as programming and other topics regarding finances and liabilities including a past grievance by a previous employee and working on having a communications satellite dish installed for broadcasting and cut down on the expensive phone bill. Kells mentioned to the board that here was an up coming training seminar with Alaska Public Broadcasting in Anchorage on June 13, 14 & 15.   Management and Finances would be covered at the seminar. The Board expressed that it would be a very good idea for Kells to attend the seminar. Alaska Public Broadcasting is paying for him to attend the seminar.
Old Business
- Check Signers: Robbe was briefed regarding the check signer status regarding the accounts. Kells mentioned that the new signers should be listed by the bank soon and payroll and accounts payables can be taken care of. Payroll will be delayed while waiting. Will also get the paperwork to have Robbe added since he was out of town at the time of the other new board members were listed.
- Kells Contract: Minimal discussion was held regarding this since executive session was scheduled on the agenda for it and it is also to be discussed with the budgets on the agenda.
- Audit: Discussion was held regarding the FY June 2006 Independent Audit. Kells mentioned that it was very expensive to have done and wasn’t as descriptive as he’d like but felt that to the best of his knowledge was accurate. Kelly mentioned that usually bids are requested from a few firms to conduct an independent audit so that a reasonable fee is paid. Other businesses in town practice this. Kelly mentioned that bids should be requested for the next annual audit.
Robbe made a motion to approve the FY 2006 Audit. Jim seconded the motion.
Vote = Unanimous, yes. Motion passes.
- FY 2007-2008 Proposed Budget: Kells presented the Board with a proposed budget explaining the finances from January through December 2007. Then with the proposed line items for calendar year of 2008. It was mentioned that the operating budget should reflect the Fiscal Year of operations. The next Fiscal Year would begin July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008.
Discussion regarding the budget: Kells mentioned some of the extra legal expenses that were incurred during the recent membership drive, elections and problems. Staffing and salary ranges for the positions of News Director, Program Director and the General Manager were also discussed. Concerns were expressed for base wage amounts and how they compared with position in other radio stations as well as weather to pay contract salaries or hourly wages. Kells mentioned that he believed it to be beneficial to pay the three positions as contracted salary positions because regular hours or prorated hours would take a lot of time away from work time. He also mentioned vacation time and sick leave time for contract proposals. In regards to health insurance he mentions that his is through Alaska Public Broadcasting and the send a bill each year to KSDP for the amount of about $4,000.00. The other two contract employees did not need the coverage.
It was expressed that the board would finalize employee contracts at the next meeting once the budges is finalized.
The Board expressed that the budget is looking very good. Kells was asked to provide some more information in the proposed budget for maintenance and technical expenditures and to list some other items in the budget and the Board would address it at the next meeting for final approval.
No action was taken at this time.
- Financial Liabilities: Kells explained that he did a lot a item in the proposed budget for $10,000.00 of possible unforeseen liabilities that hasn’t been determined at this time.
- Training Seminar: Kells requested authorization to attend the APB Finance/Management Seminar in Anchorage June 13-15, 2007. APB is paying the costs.
Robbe made a motion to approve Kells to attend the seminar in Anchorage. Joanna seconded the motion.
Vote = Unanimous, yes. Motion passes.
Kells also mentioned that he would be out of the office on May 25 to go to King Cove on the Ferry. He mentioned that he wanted to visit with some people in our neighboring serviced community.
Public Comments
Robbe asked that for the next Board meeting for Kells to provide some visions and goals that he’d like to see done at KSDP in the future. Robbe also thanked Kells.
New Business
- Executive Session – Contracts: Tabled until the next meeting. No action taken at this time.
Next Meeting
The next KSDP Board of Directors Meeting will be June 5, 2007 at 8:15 p.m. at the KSDP Station.
Kelly made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Robbe seconded. Vote = Unanimous, yes.
The meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly O’Keefe-Bjornstad, Secretary/Treasurer
*These minutes were re-typed by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.