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May 22, 2007 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 2nd, 2009 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

Meeting of the Board of Directors

KSDP Broadcast Center, Sand Point City Hall

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

7:00 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Newly elected board members Jim Brown, Joanna Karlsen, Christopher Holmberg were present.  Robbe Gilmour was excused absent.  Tied Candidates Joseph Shoemaker and Kelly O-Keefe-Bjornstad were present as well.

Others present were Kells, KSDP General Manager, employee Jeremy Krone and later arrive was member George Kromer III.

New Business

  1. Election Results: Discussion was held regarding election results and the tied between Joe and Kelly.  Joseph Shoemaker conceded his position as candidate to solve the tie.  Kelly accepted the position of the board member.
  2. Swearing in of the Bard Members: The newly elected board members were sworn and in and signed their Oaths of Office documents.
  3. Scheduled Meetings: Discussion was held regarding how often regular meetings should be held.  IT was suggested to consider monthly meetings for a while.  Joanna asked if they could be scheduled after her work at 8:00 p.m.  It was mentioned that if a meeting is running late to recess for another date to complete the meeting.  No action was taken for meeting schedules.
  4. Election of Officers of the Board: Discussion was held regarding electing officers so business could be conducted.  The floor was open for nominations.

Kelly nominated Jim Brown for the position of Chair person.  Joanna seconded the nominations.

Vote=Unanimous, yes.

There were no other nominations.  Jim Brown accepted the position.

Robbe Gilmour was unanimously nominated by the Board to fill the position of the Vice-Chair Person.

Vote=Unanimous, yes.

Jim nominated Kelly for the position of Secretary/Treasurer.  Joanna seconded the nomination.

Vote = Unanimous, yes.

There were no other nominations.  Kelly O’Keefe-Bjornstad accepted the position.

Officers of the Bard are: Chair Person, James Brown.  Vice-Chair Robbe Gilmour and Secretary/Treasurer, Kelly O-Keefe=Bjornstad.

  1. Bank Account Authorized Signers: Discussion was held regarding the Board’s position regarding signers for the accounts.  The Board expressed that its position is that the Manager of KSDP be authorized to sign on the accounts but that checks required two signatures for transactions and that the other signer must be a Board member.

Further discussion was held regarding looking into on-line account access and possible emergency debit/credit cards for travel, etc.  The board expressed concern regarding credit cards.  Usually employees and board members are issued a set per-diem for business travel.  No action taken at this time.

Kelly suggested that the Board and Manager work on developing Policies and Procedures Manual for travel, spending, employment and other business procedures.

  1. FY 2005-2006 Audit: Discussion was held regarding some past expenses that were excessive for maintenance and engineering.  Some other expenses were also discussed that may have been unnecessary for the business as well.

Discussion was also held regarding some payroll tax reports that needed to be caught up on but that payments had been made.

It was mentioned that Joanna Ludvick aka JoAnna’s Bookkeeping used to take care of bookkeeping fort the station and tax reports.  Kells reported that the station would be using her service again.

  1. Budget: Kells presented a draft of the budget for the Board’s review.  Jim asked where most of the station’s funding came from.  Kells explained that most came from Federal and State grants.  The Board will review and discuss the budget more at the next meeting.  Jim mentioned that it would be better for the full Board to review the budget and that it should be developed to coincide with the grant times and dates of operation and that the Fiscal Year of Calendar Year dates of operation need to be confirmed.
  2. Liabilities: A brief review of the line item for the liabilities was given.  More discussion is to be held at the next meeting when Robbe is present.

Manager’s Report

Kells reported that there are some problems with operating systems not working and transmitting problems of KSDP.  Much of the systems are old.  The computers are old very old.  Kells mentioned that the station has a debit account of $4,000.00 with Alaska Public Radio for engineering and other items that are needed.  He suggested that the engineer come out and survey the equipment for maintenance and upgrades that might be needed.  The Board agreed hat it would be a good idea.

It was mentioned bu the Board that the KSDP staff needs to be familiar with all the equipment and would be good training as well.

Kells also discussed reviewing employee contracts and that a part-time Secretary to assist with office duties might be needed.  The Board suggested that he bring proposals before the Board at the next meeting.  It was also requested that an Executive Session be listed on the next Meeting Posting and Agenda for discussion of employee contracts.

Public Comments

Member of the public, George Kromer III, said that he didn’t have any comments at this time.

Next Meeting

The next KSDP Board of Directors Meeting will be May 29, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. at the KSDP Station.


Joanna made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kelly seconded.  Vote = Unanimous, yes.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly O’Keefe-Bjornstad, Secretary/Treasurer

*These minutes were re-typed by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.