MP3: Sand Point Lady Eagles (25) vs. the Tanalian Lynx (64) March 8th – 2019 ACC Regional Tournament
The Lady Eagles fought hard against a highly rated Tanalian Lady Lynx squad, but as the game wore on Port Alsworth continued to lengthen their lead guaranteeing their chance to play for second against the team who loses in tonight’s championship game. A big shout out to senior Brittany Gardner who wraps up her final season with the Lady Eagles and did an outstanding job leading this Sand Point team in a successful 2019 basketball season!
Final Score: Sand Point Lady Eagles (25) vs. the Tanalian Lady Lynx (64) at the Girls’ 2019 1A Aleutian Chain Conference Regional Tournament in Newhalen, Alaska on March 8th.
Download the game here (MP3, 13MB):
Live coverage courtesy of Sonny Lamont. Thanks Sonny!