News Release: New Local Delivery System Makes Distance Learning Possible in AEBSD

Posted on: July 29th, 2020 | Author: Holden | Filed under: AEB School District, Aleutians East Borough, City Of Sand Point, Community Window, COVID-19, King Cove, Sand Point

At no additional cost to students and families of the Aleutians East Borough, the Aleutians East Borough School District has created a way for students to connect with their teachers and receive schoolwork; all without leaving their homes or connecting to the internet.

In accordance with the State and Federal guidelines for SMART START, the school district will be opening this fall. Amid uncertainty concerning schools reopening, this system provides the opportunity for students to immediately social distance should the situation surrounding COVID-19 worsen.

Some families will be provided with wireless access points to make this possible, all that will be required of them will be to have the access points connected to power.

For the full press release, as well as a number of frequently asked questions, click here: AEBSD Wireless Press Release

If you have any questions or concerns not addressed in the FAQ above, call the Aleutians East Borough School District at 907-383-5222, option 4.