October 23, 2012 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Luke Meinert called the meeting to order at 5:36pm on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at the Sand Point KSDP Radio Station.

  1. Roll call

The following persons were present:


Board members present: Luke Meinert – President; Jim Brown – Vice President; Dan Williams – Secretary/Treasurer


The following persons were excused: Jack Foster – Director; Marta Varga — Director

  1. Approval of Agenda

Jim motioned to approve agenda. Dan seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.


  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Two corrections to be made to last meeting minutes.

a.) In Executive Session it says Jim made a motion and then seconded it. Luke actually seconded that motion.

b.) The time for the next meeting says October 16, 2012 when it was supposed to say October 23, 2012.

Upon correction of minutes, Dan made motion to accept corrected minutes. Jim seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.

(Marta Varga; Director joined the meeting at this time.)


  1. Reports

a.)    General Managers Report:

1.) Austin gave an update on KSDP’s financial position. We are at our low water mark financially and will be receiving the next round of CPB funding next month. We will be receiving 70% in the first payment this time instead of 50%. This should not change anything, but the board may want to explore what options this will make for us.

2.) For projects it was noted that the back-up generator project and the King Cove tower installation were both completed. The next project that is currently underway is the rebuilding of the wall that holds the outdoor windows in the production room. There have been issues with leaking water for many years. Emil Mobeck will be working on this wall as he is already working on other walls in the City Building. This is part of the FY12 legislative grant.

3.) Austin mentioned an upcoming grant from NCME that focuses on educational challenges. The Dutch Harbor news team has been contacted for possible collaboration.

4.) Creating a new pilot position for a News Director/Site Tech was also discussed. This position would be a six month pilot project and will be in charge of creating new and original content as well as maintaining our technical systems already in place and even helping us develop new technical projects.


b.)    Administrative Report:

Shalene was out sick. Did not give oral report. Not a lot of significant change in this department.


c.)    Programming Report:

There was discussion of the change in programming that took several of the top of the hour news broadcasts off the air. This was something we have had some comment on before.


  1. Old Business

No Old Business


  1. New Business

a.) Generator Update:

The generator project is complete and in better shape than originally planned.

b.) Credit Card EFT Payment

The credit card has a low limit that we reach quickly. Paying by check makes things even slower, sometimes taking weeks before the balance is cleared so we cannot use the credit card half of the time. This would be remedied by allowing a pay by phone EFT payment on the credit card. We would continue to use two signatures by the board to approve the payment and the payment approval form would be attached to the statement similar to a check.

There was discussion on how to alter the language in the By-Laws for an EFT approval. After discussion the language was agreed that in Article V under the section titled “Checks, Drafts, Etc.”, “EFT Payment” would be added to the list of approved options. And that to the section titled, “Credit Card” “EFT Approval Form” would be added to the end of the paragraph. Marta made motion to add language. Jim seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.


  1. Executive Session

a.) Discussion of the proposed News Director/Site Tech job had support from the board.     Many wanted to see more original programming. Luke wanted to make this a large national search. It was decided to begin the search for the position. Marta made motion.     Dan seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.


  1. Public Comment and Discussion

There was no public comments. Luke did comment that it would be nice to have pictures of the finished projects for the board on the website. Also several questions were asked about certain line items on the budget and were answered to satisfaction.


  1. Next Meeting

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 5:30PM at the KSDP Radio Station Office.

  1. Adjournment

Dan made motion to adjourn meeting at 6:30PM. Marta Seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.

Minutes taken by: Austin Roof, General Manager

Minutes submitted by: Marissa Williams, Intern

Minutes reviewed by: Shalene Chebetnoy-J, Administrative Assistant & Austin Roof, General Manager

Title: General Manager  Signature:_______________________________Date:__________

                                                                  Austin Roof