October 6, 2009 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting, Inc.

KSDP Radio  P.O. Box 328   Sand Point, Alaska  99661   Phone: (907) 383-5737   Fax: (907) 383-5271

Meeting of the Board of Directors

KSDP Office

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

7:00 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by Chairman Robbe Gilmour.

Roll Call

Board members present: Robbe Gilmour – Chairman; Marta Varga – Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer; Jim Brown – Chairman Emeritus; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board member

Board members excused: Joanna Karlsen – Board member

KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant

Approval of Agenda

Robbe moved to approve the agenda.  Jim seconded the motion, the motion passed.

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the minutes postponed until the next meeting.

Report from the General Manager

Kells provided a comprehensive update on the station’s recent activities.

Old Business

The budget was first on the agenda.  Kells presented the budget.  The budget is to be reviewed at the January meeting.

The motion to build the SIP dish and proceed with the project was made by Jim and seconded by Marta.  The motion passed.

A concrete pad required for the dish foundation was discussed.  The budget for the pad was also discussed and approved

The Foraker Group will be in Sand Point on Friday, January 22, 2010.  Everyone is to attend the hour to hour and a half training session.  Jack Foster, Jr. would like a reminder in early January.

The SIP dish installation plan and update were last on the agenda.  Kells brought Ron Zastrow in by teleconference to discuss the engineering plans for the upcoming dish installation

New Business

No New Business.

Public Comments & Discussion

No Public Comments

Next Meeting

The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the Sand Point School Library Conference Room.


The meeting was adjourned by Robbe at 8:35 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.

Minutes reviewed by Kells Hetherington, General Manager.