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September 16, 2009 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: October 11th, 2010 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting, Inc.

KSDP Radio  P.O. Box 328   Sand Point, Alaska  99661   Phone: (907) 383-5737   Fax: (907) 383-5271

Meeting of the Board of Directors

KSDP Office

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

7:00 P.M.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Chairman Robbe Gilmour.

Roll Call

Board members present: Robbe Gilmour – Chairman; Marta Varga – Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer; Jim Brown – Chairman Emeritus

Board members excused: Joanna Karlsen – Board member; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board member

KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant

Approval of Agenda

Jim moved to approve the agenda.  Marta seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Approval of Minutes

Jim moved to approve the minutes.  Marta seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Report from the General Manager

Kells reported that Alaska Public Radio’s Executive Director Jamie Waste responded to KSDP’s grant request for between seventy and eighty thousand dollars to conduct a twelve month wind study.  Jamie and his engineers feel that the ABS Alaskan bid is too high.  Kells circulated the grant request at the last meeting.  KSDP has now asked ABS for a second bid of less than ten thousand dollars.  Kells also reported that the station finally obtained TDX’s wind data from a US Department of Energy subcontractor.  Two MET towers in Sand Point were used to obtain the data.  The data collection was funded by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a public entity.   Now, the station may be able to forgo a wind study of its own and submit an interpretation of the wind data now in hand.  Douglas Vaught of V3 Energy, LLC believes he can provide this technical interpretation to support the station’s grant application.  Doug has submitted a bid and references.  Kells forwarded both along to APBI in Anchorage.

KSDP has also obtained a copy of the avian study done by the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association for TDX in support of the utility’s Denali Commission grant request for its wind turbine project in Sand Point.  KSDP needs the bird study as part of its application.  Additionally, Kells reported that the Shumagin Corporation Board voted to support the station’s wind turbine application.  This is of importance because the wind turbine will be on land leased from the Shumagin Corporation by the radio station for its transmitter site.

KSDP is on the October 14th city council agenda.  The reason for this is that Alaska Public Broadcasting, Inc. wants the city council to pass a resolution approving the new land use.

Kells talked with Joanna Ludvick and Foster & Company about providing ongoing bookkeeping for the radio station.  Joanna is still thinking about it.  Karen’s proposal was included in the Board member packets.  Kells encouraged approval of this to improve financial controls in place.

Old Business

No Old Business

New Business

The Board agreed to move the annual budget review to its next meeting.

The Board would like to hear more fish updates on the radio.  The updates might include what fishing grounds are open, the current price, how much of the quota is left, etc.

Kells asked the Board’s authorization to apply to the Alaska Public Broadcasting Capital Grant Program for funds to improve the production studio.   He would like to see new equipment, i.e., a new radio console for the production studio and built-in furniture there.  Robbe moved to approve his request.  Jim seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

The Board reviewed the proposed NOAA agreement.  All agreed on notifying the Shumagin Corporation’s Board by mail.  The station’s proposed agreement with NOAA is a 10 year tower space lease.  Robbe moved to approve it and Jim seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Kells proposed the Board retain the Foraker Group to do required Board and staff training.  The Board agreed and wants the training scheduled either for November or January 2010.  The cost will be about one thousand dollars with per diem and airfare included.

Kells would like to attend the Alaska Broadcasters Association Conference happening in Anchorage November 5-6.  He reported that the state system will pay his travel expense.  The Board approved the request.

The King Cove translator license will be passed from Dillingham to KSDP.  The King Cove City Council voted unanimously to support the transfer.  The King Cove City Council offered five thousand dollars to defray the transfer and upgrade cost.  The council also said King Cove will provide electricity at the FM radio translator free of charge to the station.  The Board told Kells to save all receipts.

Public Comments & Discussion

No Public Comments

Next Meeting

The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.  The meeting will take place at the Sand Point School Library Conference Room.


Jim Brown made the motion to adjourn.  Robbe seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.

Minutes reviewed by Kells Hetherington, General Manager.