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September 25, 2007 KSDP Board Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 4th, 2009 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Minutes

KSDP Broadcast Center, Sand Point City Hall

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

7:00 P.M.


Call to Order

President Jim Brown called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Roll Call

Board members present were: President Jim Brown, Vice President Robbe Gilmour, Secretary Kelly O’Keefe-Bjornstad, and Joanna Karlsen. Chris Holmberg was absent.

Also present at the meeting: KSDP General Manager Kells Hetherinton, Jeremy Krone, Daisy Martinez, Mary, Carl and Laresa Moses.

Approval of Agenda

Kelly moved to approve the agenda with amendments. Robbe seconded the motion.

Vote = Unanimous, yes.

Approval of Minutes

Joanna moved to approve the minutes from the July 10, 2007 meeting. Robbe seconded the motion.

Vote = Unanimous, yes.

Managers Report

Kells reported that currently Craig is co-hosting  the morning news program. Kells is working on the up-and-coming visit for technical upgrades and hopefully an engineer will be here soon. Also, Kells reported that GCI currently is in the process of purchasing Alaska Wireless Communications, LLC. Kells discussed possibly expanding to share staff with the public radio station in St. Paul; they currently don’t have a GM. No action was taken by the Board on these issues.

Old Business

  1. Alaska Wireless: Discussion was held regarding lease agreement with Alaska Wireless Communications, LLC for use of the radio station tower to bring a cell phone service to Sand Point.

Discussion was held that 20 years was a lengthy amount of time for a lease. Teleconference was held with Alaska Wireless representative. It was discussed that only cell phones with Alaska Wireless would work with the system for now. Fees would probably be from an emergency fee of $15.00 to as much as $200.00 per month for a subscription plan. It was discussed that the tower does not need to be raised and that it would take about 3 to 4 months to get the system up and running. The board was asked if it could give their expression of support and workout the details of the lease at a later time.

Robbe moved to approve intent of Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting, Inc. to support doing business with Alaska Wireless to lease space at the radio tower for the operation of the proposed cell phone service with details to be listed in the lease agreement regarding a 20 year lease subject to the rate of inflation, lease vs. rent, specifications regarding what the lease is for and any advertising specifics. Kelly seconded the motion.

Vote=unanimous, yes.

  1. Programming: Board members and others attending the meeting discussed programming.   The board was asked by members of the public to review the talk show and content and to start having specific music programs. Discussion was held regarding starting regular times for “Community Window” in the morning and afternoon.
  2. Technical Visit: Kells discussed that Bill Pendergast would be in Sand Point starting on October 4th for an engineering visit. The visit will include such things as installing working to install Natural Music and solving some problems with the signal. Issues at the transmitter site will require a tower climber who will visit the station at a different time. Discussion was held that the new programming software would be about $6,000.00.

New Business

  1. Budget: The budget sheet doesn’t show expenditures so it’s hard to tell where we are at with expenses. Robbe mentioned that he’d work with Kells on getting a print off from QuickBooks with the expenditures listed.

  1. Website/Online Streaming: Tabled

  1. Engineer: Covered under “Old Business” Technical Visit

  1. Tower Height Increase: Kells mentioned that if the tower were raised King Cove and other outlaying areas would receive better relay from Sand Point. No action taken. Tabled.

  1. Gamin/By-Law Change: First Reading.

  1. Board of Directors Seat Terms: Kells suggested that the terms should be staggered and be assigned according to the election results and the number of votes each person received, i.e. The person with the most votes received would be assigned Seat A and a 3 year term, etc.  Kells’ suggestion conformed with the Election Agreement established earlier by the Temporary Board of Directors.

Robbe made a motion to approve the staggered terms as follows; Seat A – Robbe Gilmour, 3 years, Seat B – Joanna Karlsen, 3 years, Seat C – Jim Brown, 2 years, Seat D – Chris Holmberg, 2 years, Seat E – Kelly Bjornstad, 1 year. Kelly seconded the motion.

Vote=unanimous, yes.

Public Comments/Discussion

Robbe mentioned that he’d like to see the next membership drive to include a survey asking the voting members what direction they’d like to see KSDP take, improvements and overall opinion or evaluation of the station. It was also mentioned that the board should get some training. Discussion was also held that the board should consider asking for letters of interest and appoint an Advisory Committee to bring recommendations to the board.

Executive Session

Joanna moved to recess into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 9:40. Robbe seconded the motion.

Vote=unanimous, yes.


The meeting reconvened at 10:31 p.m.

Joanna moved to uphold the managers’ decision regarding personnel. Robbe seconded.

Roll Call vote = Joanna, yes. Robbe, yes. Jim, yes. Kelly, yes.

Motion passes. All members were in favor.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held October 23, 2007 at 7 p.m. at the radio station.


Joanna made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly C. O’Keefe-Bjornstad

*These minutes were re-typed by Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant.