Summer Salmon Run Projections For 2015

Posted on: March 23rd, 2015 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

Bristol Bay Summer Salmon Run Projection In Millions

Total Run – 53.98
Escapement – 13.46
Commercial Common Property Harvest – 40.52
Bristol Bay Harvest – 38.51
South Peninsula Harvest – 2.01

Alaska Peninsula
Sockeyes (thousands)
Total Run – 419
Escapement – 150
Harvest – 369

Pinks: (Millions)
Total Run – 16.5
Escapement – 3.3
Harvest – 13.2
Note: Fish and Game has little faith in the accuracy of the pink salmon forecast do primarily to the extreme lack of fish in 2013


Early Run (thousands)
Total Run – 1,320
Escapement – 150
Harvest – 970

Late Run (thousands)
Total – 1,217
Escapement – 350
Harvest – 967

Total Chignik System (thousands)
Total – 2,536
Harvest – 1,936
Chignik Area – 1,558
SEDM Area – 113
Cape Igvak Section – 235